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Articles About conflict resolution

  • A new face for Village Mediation

    For over 30 years, the Village of Yellow Springs has prided itself on its Village Mediation Program, whose goal is helping residents of the village and Miami Township transform conflict into understanding. This year, the program will continue serving the community under new leadership.

  • Celebrating 30 years of community mediation

    The Village Mediation Program is marking its 30th anniversary this month. Village Council passed a resolution Tuesday, Sept. 5, honoring the group’s three decades of service, and a public celebration will be held Thursday, Sept. 14, 7 p.m., at Antioch University Midwest. Pictured are some of the current team of village mediators. Clockwise from top left, are founding mediator Bruce Heckman, mediator Jalyn Roe, current program coordinator John Gudgel and mediator Janet Mueller. (Photo by Carol Simmons)

    There’s really no knowing the extent to which Yellow Springs might be different if not for the existence of the Village Mediation Program.

  • MLS kids learn to practice peace

    Students in the Mills Lawn Elementary School media club worked on projects for Peace Week, March 16–20, as part of the schoolwide Project Peace, an effort to teach conflict resolution and empathy. Hanging above students are the triptychs of peace leaders created for Project Peace in 2013. Pictured are, from left, front row: Noah Van Hoose and Peter Cooper; second row: Owen Gustafson, Sophie Bottelier, Zoe Hamilton and Hailey Rowe; third row: Aiden Adamson, Ty Housh and Shawn Van Hoose; fourth row: media club facilitator Allison Paul, Lisa Bales, Mila De Spain and Camryn Strolger. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    What began as an anti-bullying campaign at Mills Lawn Elementary School has evolved into a school-wide focus on empathy, inclusion and conflict resolution, Project Peace.

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