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Articles About cooperative education

  • Sparking the revolution

    Third-year student Dustin Mapel welds the arm for the turbine in the campus shop, where YS Kids Playhouse was located over the summer. (Photo by Lauren Heaton)c

    As an extension of a Global Seminar on sustainable energy, Antioch College hosted a workshop last week on how to construct a wind turbine.

  • Antioch College students stretch in co-op jobs

    During Antioch College students’ most recent co-op jobs, Gabe Amrhein of Yellow Springs worked for the Rich Earth Institute in Brattleboro, Vermont, testing the use of urine in agricultural applications. (Submitted photo)

    What do toilets and politics have in common? Potential metaphors aside, they both figured prominently in the recent co-op placements of Antioch’s first-year students, who returned just a few weeks ago from their first Antioch co-op experience.

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