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Articles About ecological health

  • Pollution continues in Glen waters

    Wright State students took samples of Yellow Springs Creek in Glen Helen in September of last year to analyze for E. coli, nitrates and other contaminants as part of an environmental chemistry class that has studied local water quality since 2011. (Submitted photo by Audrey McGowin)

    At several points on its journey to the Little Miami River in the Glen, where all the water in our watershed drains, the water tested high for E. coli and nitrates, pollutants that can harm local wildlife as well as people and animals who come into contact with the water. 

  • Eco-sattva: Climate compassion, action

    The Dharma Center and Community Solutions are partnering to offer an “eco-sattva” training beginning Jan. 12 to help villagers take mindful, effective action in response to climate change. Pictured outside the Dharma Center are, counterclockwise, course facilitators Saul Greenberg, Dione Greenberg and MJ Gentile, with Dharma Center Board Member Katie Egart. (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    Eco-sattva, a blend of “ecology” and “bodhisattva,” the term refers to a person working for the well-being of all life in the face of environmental harm.

  • AMP offers green pricing program

    At Village Council’s April 16 meeting, Eric Lloyd of AMP, the Village’s municipal power cooperative, presented information on a new green pricing program, Ecosmart Choice, that AMP is offering to its members.

  • The Glen in winter home to many birds — count on it

    Join the Glen’s efforts next weekend to count the birds of Yellow Springs.

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