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Articles About farmland

  • Greenbelt farm land heads to sale

    According to Tecumseh Land Trust, or TLT, Executive Director Michele Burns, the anticipated asking price is $22,000 per acre and “for sale” signs will likely be in the coming week.

  • The issues with large-scale solar

    Cooperative Solar Farm One is Lendlease’s 60-acre solar energy facility in Clark County, Ky. The solar energy facility features 32,300 solar panels capable of producing up to 8.5 MW of electricity. LendLease has a plan for a solar array in the rural area southeast of Yellow Springs that would be about 20 times as large. (Photo via

    An Australian company, Lendlease, has acquired close to 1,000 acres of long-term leases there as part of its Kingswood Solar Farm, a utility-scale solar array that could cover 1,200 acres and produce 175 megawatts of green electricity.

  • Community Solutions buys half of Arnovitz farm

    Leaders and supporters of Community Solutions celebrated the nonprofit's new land holdings Thursday night. Community Solutions bought 128 acres of land on the western edge of Yellow Springs at auction on March 16, paying $655,000 for two of nine parcels up for sale. All parcels of the 267-acre Arnovitz farm were sold to a total of seven buyers. (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    All nine parcels of the Arnovitz farm were sold at auction Thursday, March 16. Nearly half the land was purchased by Community Solutions, which plans to establish a center for regenerative agriculture on the property and relocate its offices there.

  • Sale puts farmland at risk

    The 267-acre Arnovitz property is slated to go to auction March 16 in nine parcels. (YS News map)

    At Village Council’s Feb. 21 meeting, a villager and Village Council member urged villagers to come together in an effort to preserve farmland at risk of development on the western edge of Yellow Springs.

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