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Articles About kids theater :: Page 2

  • Group keeps theater arts going

    When a new pit orchestra conductor was needed three weeks before the opening of last spring’s high school musical, the Yellow Springs High School Theatre Arts Association, or YSHSTAA, scrambled to find one. When concerns about censorship of student-written plays arose…

  • YSKP is no longer just for kids

    At the height of a YS Kids Playhouse production, when every member of the cast has gathered together at fever pitch to dance and belt out an ardent musical message, there can be a yearning, or even a fleeting sense of jealousy, that kids get to do all the fun stuff. But this fall, adults can have fun too, when YSKP opens up four new dance classes to people of all ages.

  • YS Kids Playhouse ‘Oceans’ moves to the power of dreams

    At a YS Kids Playhouse rehearsal last week in the Presbyterian Church, the cast members of the newest show, Oceans of Notions (Lakes of Mistakes), were laughing hysterically as they ran through the passageways of Westminster Hall.

  • YSKP rehearses for ‘Oceans of Notions’

    YSKP rehearsed for the summer’s second production, Oceans of Notions (Lakes of Mistakes), with visiting director Lenard Petit this week at the Presbyterian Church.

  • ‘Velveteen Rabbit’ comes alive at MLS

    You thought YS Kids Playhouse events only took place in the summer? Think again! YSKP is moving into the schools. On March 6–9, third through sixth graders at Mills Lawn School will perform Mary Kay Clark’s original theatrical adaptation of the children’s story, The Velveteen Rabbit…

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