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Articles About parade

  • Yellow Springs’ Fourth of July parade and fireworks set

    The parade through downtown Yellow Springs is scheduled to kick off at noon July 4; the fireworks display at Gaunt Park will begin after sundown, about 9 or 9:30 p.m.

  • July 4th in my hometown

    Up next was the YS Kids Playhouse in the long line of 4th of July paraders down Xenia Avenue. The day was rounded out by a spectacular fireworks display at Gaunt Park (Photo by Matt Minde)

    For many years—though my parents live a block from downtown, where the parade takes place—I didn’t go to it. I’m not a big parade person.

  • Merry marchers, friendly fire on the Fourth

    Richard Zopf whipped up patriotic fervor for the Odd Fellows, who organized 4th of July parade and fireworks. (PHhoto by Diane Chiddsiter)

    Villagers and visitors didn’t let gloomy skies and the occasional raindrop thwart their Fourth of July on Monday.

  • VIDEO: Fourth of July parade

    See a video from this year’s Fourth of July parade — from its jovial participants to its cheery spectators.

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