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Articles About recycling

  • Yellow Springs business owners denounce plastic ban

    The message from a number of local business owners at a recent town hall was clear: The proposed legislation to restrict commercial single-use plastics is too hasty.

  • Village Council eyes single-use plastics ban

    In an effort to respond to growing concerns about climate change, Village Council members agreed to bring forth legislation that would ban single-use plastics in the village.

  • Village Council considers solid waste fee

    At the most recent Village Council meeting on Nov. 7, Council members discussed the possibility of adding a 2% fee to residential solid waste bills. If the fee is adopted, the Village would use the funds to educate residents on ways to reduce their organic solid waste, including recycling and composting.

  • Down to Earth — Recycling confusion

    The throwaway plastic that holds our takeout food and wraps our dry cleaning is widely seen as one of the world’s biggest environmental hazards. It pollutes as it is produced, through the extraction of fossil fuels, and no sooner than it is used, it pollutes again.

  • Rumpke now accepting some #5 plastics

    Rumpke will now accept some #5 plastics — in the form of tubs and fruit and yogurt cups — for recycling.

    Beginning this month, villagers can divert a few more items away from their trash cans: Along with the previously accepted plastic items like bottles and jugs, Yellow Springs residents can now fill their recycling bins with fruit and yogurt cups and butter, sour cream, cottage cheese and whipped topping tubs.

  • Village Council— Apartments, businesses must recycle

    Local apartment complex and commercial property owners must offer recycling services to their tenants, Village Council decided at its Sept. 21 regular meeting, held virtually.

  • Village eyes more recycling options

    The Rumpke recycling facility outside of Cincinnati processes up to 55 tons of recyclables per day. The incoming materials are sorted by hand, then sorted further through a series of complicated mechanical processes. The Green Environmental Coalition recently organized a tour of the recycling center and landfill. (Photo by Dylan Taylor-Lehman)

    Garbage and recycling collection rates are set to rise, and maybe more than usual. That’s because the Village is considering supplemental recycling options for the community.

  • Villager to take plastics for a ride—Recycling program slated

    Vickie Hennessy and the truck she uses to ferry difficult-to-recycle No. 5 plastic from areas around the village to a collection point at Whole Foods; collection sites around the village were closed last week after Whole Foods discontinued to program, but are back open after the store offered to continue to accept the plastics en masse from the village. (Photo by Lauren “Chuck” Shows)

    If you’ve ever lamented the amount of recyclable plastics that end up in your trash every week, take heart: One of Yellow Springs’ own is coming to the rescue.

  • Rising from the ashes, dead wood gets a new life

    Local woodworker Tom Hawley and local arborist Bob Moore recently sat in front of the new table Hawley made for the Yellow Springs library’s periodical room. The table was made with local wood harvested by Moore from ash trees, which were felled by the Emerald Ash Borer. (Submitted photo)

    The only upside decimation of ash trees by the emerald ash borer was the preponderance of wood that became available as the dead trees were cut down before they could collapse.

  • Mills Lawn School ‘Buddy bench’ project ensures a place for everyone

    Kindergartners Zane, Maddy, Lian and Gracie seemed to prove the point of the newly installed Buddy Bench on the Mills Lawn School playground recently. The bench was constructed by students as a PBL project from wood of one of the many recently felled ash trees. (Photo by Carol Simmons)

    A group of students at Mills Lawn School installed a new feature on the K–2 playground recently that they anticipate will help their classmates enjoy a happier and friendlier recess time.

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