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Articles About regional politics

  • Karen Wintrow honored— A local and regional thinker

    Village Council member Karen Wintrow received the Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission’s annual Regional Stewardship Award last month. An MVRPC board and committee member, Wintrow received the award because of her efforts to improve the Dayton region and because she’s a “regional thinker.” (Submitted photo)

    When Karen Wintrow isn’t thinking about Yellow Springs, she’s thinking about the Dayton region. For that work, Wintrow received the group’s annual Regional Stewardship Award last month.

  • Hollister gets environmental post

    Local resident and Yellow Springs native Don Hollister is the new executive director of the Ohio League of Conservation Voters, a Columbus-based bipartisan environmental organization. Hollister will draw on his local political experience as he leads the group in lobbying for environmental policy and electing pro-environmental candidates for state and local offices. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    All politics is local, the saying goes, and it’s also largely unpaid. Local resident and Yellow Springs native Don Hollister has found both to be true in his nearly 40 years in politics.

  • 2010 Yellow Springs Election Results—Democrats win the village, lose Ohio

    While Democratic Governor Ted Strickland came out on the losing end of a tight statewide race, in Yellow Springs he was king, the choice of nine out of 10 local voters. Unfortunately for Strickland, the state did not follow the lead of the village.

  • Nonstop fields candidate forum

    Since it began several years ago, Nonstop members have aimed to fill voids. First, they filled an intellectual void in the village by offering classes after Antioch College closed down. Even after the college revived, Nonstop provided a series of cultural events.

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