
Articles About renovation

  • School board seeks levy, tax increase for facilities improvements

    by Yellow Springs School Board The Yellow Springs school board voted unanimously at its Dec. 14 meeting to seek a May 2018 levy for a proposed $18.5 million rebuild/renovation of McKinney Middle/YSHS. Pictured here is a concept design, prepared by Ruetschle Architects and presented at the meeting, showing the buildings targeted for demolition, as well as those where renovations only are planned. (Rendering submitted)

    The Yellow Springs school board voted unanimously Thursday, Dec. 14, to seek  $18.5 million for the “renovation and partial replacement of existing 7–12 facilities” through a combination income tax and bond levy request to be put on the May 8, 2018, ballot.

  • School facilities update — K–12 options off the table

    The Yellow Springs school district is no longer considering building options that would put a combined K–12 facility on a single site, according to Superintendent Mario Basora this week. He cited cost as the reason for taking the K–12 options off the table.

  • School facilities question— One town builds, one does not

    In the past 10 or so years, every school district in Greene County, except Yellow Springs, has either already built new school buildings or passed a levy to do so soon. The same is true for each district contiguous to the Yellow Springs schools.

  • ‘Community Pulse’ meeting— YS school facilities discussed

    About 50 villagers heard from a panel of eight Yellow Springs School district teachers and shared their ideas, questions and concerns on the future of the district’s school buildings Tuesday, July 11, at Mills Lawn School.

  • School board— Vote clears way for potential land purchases

    At its April meeting, the Yellow Springs Board of Education unanimously passed a resolution that will allow the Yellow Springs school district to enter into negotiations regarding the purchase of land for future school buildings.

  • A hair salon gets a new look

    Lori Deal, hair stylist and owner of the recently renovated and renamed Blue Hairon Salon, works with longtime client Linda Sikes, who came to the shop recently in preparation for a family wedding. The salon, which features local, original art in its decor, will open its doors as part of the next village Art Stroll, 6–9 p.m. Friday, Oct. 14. Deal will have refreshments for stroll visitors. (Photo by Carol Simmons)

    Hair stylist Lori Deal is celebrating a new “do” of sorts for her hair salon, along with a new shop name, after the recent completion of a full remodeling of the interior.

  • Building plans considered for aging schools

    The school board is taking steps to deal with what it characterizes as aging infrastructure in Yellow Springs’ two school buildings: Mills Lawn Elementary and McKinney Middle School/Yellow Springs High School.

  • Ten new hires for Yellow Springs schools

    The Yellow Springs School District welcomed 10 new hires, including elementary, middle and high school teachers and staff, as well as a new administrative position created this school year.

  • Council nears water softening vote

    A group of Village officials and staff members visited this water treatment plant, in Jackson County, Ohio, recently to observe the plant’s pellet softening process. Council will likely vote at its April 6 meeting on whether to add pellet softening to the new water plant. Shown above are tanks used in the process. (Submitted photo by John Yung)

    Village Council is close to approving a water softening component to its proposed new water plant, slated for construction in 2016.

  • Village Council on water sourcing — Plant upgrade less expensive

    Renovating the existing Village water plant is doable and less expensive than the other two options being considered for sourcing local water, according to a presentation at Village Council’s Feb. 3 meeting.

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