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  • Yellow Springs Schools— Town hall addresses restart

    Yellow Springs Schools Superintendent Terri Holden fielded questions from local parents regarding the district’s school start options at a town hall meeting on Monday, July 20. The district could make a decision about school restart as early as Sunday, July 26.

  • Yellow Springs Schools— Reopening plan in flux

    With the COVID-19 pandemic continuing to spread in our community and region, and the 2020–21 school year scheduled to begin in a mere six weeks, uncertainty and worry seem to be the overwhelming feelings among many families considering educational choices for their children.

  • Institutions adapt to COVID-19

    The News spoke with leaders at a variety of local institutions who are adapting to a new normal in the fifth month of the coronavirus pandemic, including the Yellow Springs Senior Center, Friends Care Community, Yellow Springs Community Children’s Center, Antioch College Wellness Center and the John Bryan Center/Youth Center.

  • Black women amplified

    “Empowering Black Women” was the theme of the most recent anti-racism rally, held Saturday, July 11, near the Yellow Springs Public Library, and followed by a march. Here, artist Abby Flanagan stood by some of her original artwork. (Photo by Kathleen Galarza)

    “Empowering Black Women” was the theme of the most recent anti-racism rally, held Saturday, July 11.

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