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Articles About social services

  • Village Council eyes utility safety nets

    At Village Council’s March 5 meeting, Police Chief Brian Carlson announced that Florence Randolph of Yellow Springs has been hired as the first community outreach specialist in the Yellow Springs Police Department. She will begin her new job on April 2. The new position was created in response to a recommendation from the Justice System Task Force to address the many social work-related calls that police receive. According to a press statement from Carlson, Randolph brings to the job “a wealth of knowledge in social work and working with the justice system.” (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    At Village Council’s March 5 meeting, Council members Lisa Kreeger and Marianne MacQueen proposed a two-pronged initiative to address local affordability in the context of current financial realities.

  • Village Council moves to create social work job within YSPD

    At Village Council’s Dec. 4 meeting, Council members and the Yellow Springs Police Department moved closer to hiring a full-time community outreach specialist, a new position that leaders hope strengthens the department’s ability to address social-service related calls.

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