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Articles About utility extension

  • Village Council acts on CBE project

    Village Council moved ahead with plans to extend infrastructure to the property known as the Center for Business and Education, or CBE, at its regular meeting Monday, Oct. 17.

  • Village Council— Morris Bean seeks sewer tie-in

    At Village Council’s June 6 meeting, Council members heard a request from Morris Bean leaders to permit that company to connect to the Village sewer system.

  • Village Council — New economic sustainability group considered

    At their Jan. 4 meeting, Village Council members continued an extended discussion on how the Village should best address economic development by considering a proposal for an economic sustainability commission from Council President Judith Hempfling, and discussed concerns about a new ordinance establishing procedures to notify citizens about public meetings.

  • Village faces easement suit

    After an executive session following its Oct. 5 meeting, Village Council passed a resolution of intent to appropriate an easement from a Township resident who is suing the Village over a disputed easement on his property adjacent to Village limits.

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