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Articles About Village parks

  • Village Council— A plan for the ‘Little Park’

    Beatty Hughes Park, located between Kieth’s Alley and Corry Street, may someday host live music concerts, outdoor movies, family picnics and art exhibits.

  • On ballot: county parks levy

    Financial support of those parks and trails is on the ballot this Nov. 5. With Issue 9, the Greene County parks district seeks a renewal of a five-year, 0.9 mill property tax levy to support its stewardship of local green space — and the recreational and educational opportunities that go along with those preserved pieces of the great outdoors.

  • Council pulls parking lot proposal

    Beatty Hughes Park will not soon be the site of a municipal parking lot. A proposal to turn over the downtown park to parking was tabled at Council’s May 20 meeting after public opposition.

  • Planners pursue a parks plan

    Many discussions over the past several years have led Village Council to designate a revision of the Parks and Recreation Master Plan as a 2011 goal.

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