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Articles About visioning process

  • Visioning results presented

    At a special meeting with Village Council and the Miami Township Trustees on Monday, Aug. 30, the two governmental bodies were presented with a written draft for public review of the year-long Yellow Springs/Miami Township visioning process.

  • Council, Trustees receive visioning draft

    At a special joint meeting Aug. 30, Village Council and the Miami Township Trustees received a draft report of the results of the year-long visioning process.

  • Community Votes on Visioning Actions

    Carl Bryan votes for an action strategy at the visioning open house on Thursday afternoon. The open house continues on Friday, May 21, from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m in Rooms A and B at the Bryan Center. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    More than 60 community members participated in the third and final public phase of Yellow Springs/Miami Township Visioning process, “Shape Our Future.” At the open house, each participant voted for five actions, out of 78 total, they believe should have the highest priority.

  • Feedback for visioning sought

    Yellow Springs and Miami Township community residents are encouraged to take part in an open house, “Shape Our Future,” the third public participation phase of the ongoing visioning process that began almost a year ago, and that winds up soon.

  • Visioning open house soon

    Village of Yellow Springs

    The third stage of the visioning process will take place next Wednesday, May 19, Thursday, May 20, and Friday, May 21.

  • Fluoridation forum coming

    At Village Council’s May 3 meeting, Council members agreed to this summer sponsor a public forum addressing whether to continue fluoridating Village water, in an attempt to present both sides of the issue and examine recent research. “Tonight we’re discussing the next steps rather than the content,” said Council President Judith Hempfling…

  • Visioning plan moving from talk to walk

    The Yellow Springs visioning process is entering its final phase, according to organizers at a special meeting Monday, Feb. 22, between Village Council, the Miami Township Trustees, and leaders of the process that began almost a year ago.

  • Business park’s widened road elicits concern

    The Village of Yellow Springs is considering a plan to create a new entrance off Dayton-Yellow Springs Road directly into the Center for Business and Education (CBE), the new business park created by Community Resources on the west edge of the village. Though the authority to approve the intersection rests with the Greene County Engineer, Village Council will discuss the proposal when the park, which was annexed into the village in 2005, comes up for approval as a subdivision later this year.

  • Visioning to turn ideas into goals

    The second stage of the community visioning process kicks off this Saturday morning, Dec. 12, at 10 a.m. in the Yellow Springs High School gym, and it is not a meeting to miss, according to organizers. The 855 ideas generated by community members in the first round of public workshops stand sorted into 14 topic categories. Now, villagers and Miami Township residents are invited to help discern goals from these raw ideas that everyone can agree to move forward with.

  • Diversity deemed critical for visioning

    At their July 20 meeting, members of Village Council approved the names of visioning steering committee members, but also urged organizers to try harder to find participants from the African-American community.

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