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Visioning open house soon

The third  stage of the Yellow Springs/Miami Township visioning process, “Shape Our Future,” will take place next week on Wednesday, May 19, Thursday, May 20, and Friday, May 21. The event will be an open house, during which villagers may see the recommended goals, themes and action steps that have emerged from the visioning process so far, as well as suggest feedback.

The open house will take place Wednesday, May 19, from 6 to 9 p.m., Thursday, May 20, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church and Friday, May 21, from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. at Rooms A and B at the Bryan Center. A brief presentation of the visioning findings will be given at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, after which attendees may review the material at their own pace with steering committee members present to answer questions. Comment cards will be provided for reactions. The purpose of the event is to allow the community to indicate to the committee if the final vision is consistent with earlier input, as well as to identify community priorities, according to organizers.

The event is the culmination of the 10-month visioning process, which is cosponsored by Yellow Springs Village Council and the Miami Township Trustees, and led by ACP Visioning + Planning of Columbus. The process began in October 2009 with “Share your Dreams,” during which participants suggested goals and strategies for the future. The second stage, “Goals and Values Workshop,” took part in December.

All of the content produced for the open house will be posted on the Village Website, After the third stage is completed and final recommendations made, the final report will be presented to Village Council and the Miami Township Trustees in a public meeting, and actions to implement the visioning process outcomes will include public hearings, according to organizers.

See the May 20 Yellow Springs News for a longer article on the event, and the outcomes of the process so far.

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