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Arts Section :: Page 79

  • Ohio Brass & Electric to play Emporium tonight

    The local horn band Ohio Brass & Electric will perform tonight, Friday, June 20, from 7 to 10 p.m. at the Emporium during the Summer Art Stroll.

  • Summer Art Stroll Friday night

    The annual Summer Art Stroll will take place this Friday, June 20, from 6 to 9 p.m.

  • Evie Ladin & Keith Terry to perform at Glen Helen Building

    Antioch College hosts eclectic musicians/dancers Keith Terry and Evie Ladin Wednesday for an evening of song, dance, rhythm and storytelling.

    Antioch College will host an evening of body music, acoustic American songs and storytelling on Wednesday, June 18, at 7 p.m. at the Glen Helen Building.

  • Mills Lawn students graffiti for peace

    If you spot a couple of rainbow-laden vehicles around the village this year, you’ve got Mills Lawn fifth graders and villagers Joe Ayres and Karla Horvath to thank.

  • Donahoe to read at King Center

    Rick Donahoe will read from a prize-winning memoir this Wednesday, June 11, at 7 p.m. at the Coretta Scott King Center on the Antioch College campus.

  • New theater company presents “D’Arc Comedy”

    The newly formed Yellow Springs Theater Company will perform “D’Arc Comedy,” this weekend and next at the Antioch Amphitheatre.

  • The Passive House solution

    Keeping up on the latest climate change projections can be downright depressing. But a local nonprofit offers a dose of hope with its new film on how to build homes that emit 80 percent less carbon dioxide. “Passive House Revolution” tells the story of this aggressive new building standard from the perspective of the Germans […]

  • “Passive House Revolution” film premieres here

    Local non-profit Community Solutions premieres its latest film, “Passive House Revolution,” on Thursday, May 22. The film showcases the Passive House, the world’s most aggressive building energy use standard, which can cut heating and cooling energy by 80 percent.

  • Blue Moon Soup at Clifton— A musical melange of bluegrass, Celtic and ’60s rock riffs

    Local four-piece string band Blue Moon Soup is making a name for itself in the region with a sound that blends bluegrass, Celtic traditional, folk and pop. From left is Jon Bauman, Robbie Marion, Brendan Moore, Justin Moon and pitbull “Moon.” Blue Moon Soup plays a benefit concert for WYSO at the Clifton Opera House at 7 p.m. Friday, May 16, with Irish duo Changeling. (Submitted photo by Suzy Perler)

    If the wizard Gandalf was a fan of the Grateful Dead, he would probably also listen to the Blue Moon Soup string band.

  • Antioch University Midwest to screen classic political films

    Jon Saari doesn’t need to rent the movies he’s showing in a seminar on modern political film — he already owns most of them.

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