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Arts Section :: Page 81

  • Community orchestra to perform concerto for flute and harp

    The YS Chamber Orchestra presents its Spring concert with music by Mozart and Haydn this weekend.

  • Art around town

    Art events around town for the week of March 27–April 3, 2014

  • Artist reception at Winds to benefit hospital

    Libby Rudolf paints watercolors, large and small, inspired by the beauty of The Glen Helen Nature Preserve as well as other natural spaces around the country.

    Libby Rudolf’s “Watercolors: Color and Light” reception will be held on Sunday, March 30, 4–6 p.m., at the Winds.

  • Documentarian asks what makes community

    What is it about Yellow Springs that gives the town such a strong sense of community?
    That’s the question that local filmmaker Patti Dallas asks more than 30 local people in the first part of a new documentary series on the village, “Yellow Springs — Exploring the Elements of Community.”

  • Battle comes home, with clarinet

    Yellow Springs native and one-time Yellow Springs News paper carrier Mark Battle will return to town with his clarinet in tow next week to perform a house concert with colleague and friend, pianist George Lopez.

  • Concert series celbrates 30 years— CMYS built on Antioch’s shoulders

    The local First Presbyterian Church sanctuary is quite lovely, but ever thought of comparing it to, say, Carnegie Hall? The same small string, wind and vocal ensembles that play under the big lights in New York City, Paris and Tokyo, also play in this little Ohio town, the improbable seat of a world-class chamber music series known as Chamber Music Yellow Springs.

  • Theater review— Players do justice to ‘Pirates’

    The Yellow Springs High School Drama Club and the YSHS Theatre Arts Association present Gilbert & Sullivan’s “Pirates of Penzance” at the Mills Lawn Auditorium on March 21–23. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    If you are up for a jaunty two hours gallivanting about with pirates, daughters and policemen, find a seat in the center section at Mill Lawns Auditorium for the Yellow Springs High School production Pirates of Penzance.

  • VIDEO — YSHS stages “Pirates of Penzance”

    The YSHS drama club is stepping up to perform the 19th century comic opera, “Pirates of Penzance,” complete with some modern touches.

  • Yellow Springs music scene gets bigger

    Local indie band Speaking Suns rocked the audience at the Spirited Goat Coffeehouse on Saturday night. The band will perform with labelmates Sport Fishing USA and Blond at a fundraiser for the independent label Great Guys Records. From left are Connor Stratton on bass, Jacob Diebold on guitar, David Byrne (back) on drums and Sam Salazar on keyboard. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    For a bumping live music scene, Sixth Street in Austin and the Williamsburg neighborhood in Brooklyn had a competitor in downtown Yellow Springs last Saturday night.

  • Chamber Music Yellow Springs to host vocal group

    Chamber Music Yellow Springs presents New York Polyphony on Sunday, March 16, at 7:30 p.m. at the Presbyterian Church. The ensemble includes Countertenor Geoffrey Williams, tenor Steven Caldicott Wilson, baritone Christopher Dylan Herbert and bass singer Craig Phillips, who will perform an early music program, several American folk songs and a contemporary commission by Ivan Moody. (Submitted photo)

    On Sunday, March 16, at 7:30 p.m., New York Polyphony will perform at First Presbyterian Church as part of the Chamber Music Yellow Springs series.

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