
Economy Section :: Page 59

  • Herbs, healing at new store

    Glenda Prado had always been skeptical of shamanic healing practices. As a child growing up in Ecuador, she had watched her mother and grandmother use plants and herbs for medicinal and spiritual purposes, yet she refused to adhere to their vocation. “I didn’t believe it,” Prado said. “I thought it was foolish — my mother working with shamanic herbs.”

  • TimeBank is timely in economy

    Daily life in Yellow Springs is filled with people buying and selling at downtown businesses, while behind the scenes an informal network of exchange looms large throughout the community. A villager gives an elderly woman a ride to the doctor’s office. Another helps her neighbor weed his garden.

  • Anthrotech opens doors

    About 40 people attended the Yellow Springs Chamber of Commerce After Hours open house held Thursday, April 15, at the Anthrotech’s temporary training quarters at the Creative Memories location on Dayton Street.

  • YSI wins Third Frontier grant

    YSI Incorporated, in collaboration with Riehl Engineering and the University of Cincinnati, was recently announced as one of only six recipients statewide of a 2010 Ohio Third Frontier grant.

  • Chappelle buys Kings Yard

    A local auction took an unexpected twist last Friday afternoon when comedian and community resident Dave Chappelle became the new owner of the north end of Kings Yard.

  • Asha Morgan steps down from Creative Memories

    Asha Morgan

    Asha Morgan has stepped down from the leadership of Creative Memories, the St. Cloud, Minn., subsidiary of The Antioch Company, according to an April 7 article in the St. Cloud Times. The leadership change is the first time since The Antioch Company was founded in 1926 by Morgan’s grandfather, Ernest Morgan, that the company has not been led by a member of the Morgan family.

  • Chappelle buys Kings Yard Building

    Kings Yard auction, Bryan Center, April 2, 2010

    Comedian and local resident Dave Chappelle is the new owner of the northern section of Kings Yard after an auction in which he outbid local real estate owner Bob Baldwin. The 7,500 square foot building houses 10 retail spaces in Kings Yard.

  • Holidays OK for most businesses

    The recent holiday season was better than the one before for many downtown merchants, and other stores had sales either comparable or slightly down from last year, according to recent interviews with a dozen owners. Most merchants felt satisfied with their sales, given the state of the national economy. However, they had to work hard and be smart to weather the holidays in a recession, and several linked their stability to their own adjusted business practices.

  • Kings Yard building for sale

    After nearly 30 years under the ownership of one Springfield family, the long building that houses most Kings Yard shops will be sold at auction at 4 p.m. on Friday, April 2, at the Bryan Community Center. The building houses 10 retail spaces, nine of which are currently occupied, and the sale includes an adjoining wooded property to the north behind the post office.

  • Lawyers offer foreclosure support

    For at least one Yellow Springs homeowner, the past year has been unforgettable. In the fall of 2008, his mortgage company granted him a three-month forbearance on the monthly payments for his home in the village. Having no steady income due to an ongoing health issue, the homeowner received a second forbearance in early 2009, and then was told in the spring that unless he could begin making his monthly $1,000 mortgage payments, the lender would begin foreclosure proceedings on his house.

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