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Feature Photos Section :: Page 54

  • 2013 Yellow Springs Pride Parade

    Isaiah Crawford, front left, led Saturday’s Pride Parade through the village with Melissa Heston in Wonder Woman reprise flying her colors. Joan Chappelle, Ona Harshaw, and John Booth followed, trailed by a multi-block line of about 200 participants. (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    About 200 marchers supporting the LGBTQ community. Pride weekend featured many speakers and performances on the Bryan Center lawn on Saturday, followed by a family picnic on Sunday.

  • Fair weather, fair friends

    The beer garden at the Bryan Center was crowded all day at last Saturday’s Street Fair, one indication that this year’s fair was the biggest ever, according to Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Karen Wintrow. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    The annual Yellow Springs Spring Street Fair Saturday, June 8, pulled in a record number of people again, and the weather was in a cooperative mood.

  • Remembered

    Members of the YS Odd Fellows will lead community members in placing flags on the graves of veterans and hold a Memorial Day ceremony and history talk about the cemetery's Civil War cannon this weekend. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    About 20 local men and women from the Yellow Springs Odd Fellows lodge placed American flags on the graves of veterans and Odd ­Fellows at the Glen Forest Cemetery last Friday afternoon.

  • Shot in the bark

    On May 3 a Tree Care Inc. technician treated white ash and blue ash trees in the Ellis Park and Lloyd Kenney Arboretum by injection into the tree trunk. (Submitted photo)

    On May 3 a Tree Care Inc. technician treated white ash and blue ash trees in the Ellis Park and Lloyd Kenney Arboretum by injection into the tree trunk.

  • Hoppy hour

    A steady stream of villagers kept the new Yellow Springs Brewery humming all day during its sneak preview brewery tour last Saturday. (Photo by Suzanne Szempruch)

    A steady stream of villagers kept the new Yellow Springs Brewery humming all day during its sneak preview brewery tour last Saturday.

  • Wasp named for ‘lord of the flies’

    Entomologist John Stireman, who lives in the village and works at Wright State University, was honored in November by having a newly-identified wasp, the Ilatha Stiremani, named after him. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    In the 1979 science fiction horror film Alien, a parasitic extraterrestrial bursts out of an astronaut’s chest, killing him, in the film’s iconic scene. The lifecycle of parasitic insects is not much different, according to Wright State entomologist and Yellow Springs resident John Stireman.

  • A study in white

    Snow started falling late Monday night and continued thoughout the early morning hours, transforming everything in the process. (Photos by Matt Minde)

    The transformative power of snow shows us a different set of details.

  • Pick-up pickin’

    Over 60 singers and musicians brought their voices and a dozen different instruments to the first Yellow Springs Hootenanny on Saturday, Jan. 19. Future Hootenannies will be held the third Saturday of each month, 6–9 p.m. at the Coretta Scott King Center on the Antioch College campus. (Submitted photo)

    Over 60 singers and musicians brought their voices and a dozen different instruments to the first Yellow Springs Hootenanny on Saturday, Jan. 19.

  • Down time

    Arbor Care crew member Aaron Horn was the lucky one in the bucket Monday morning on W. North College, as the company worked to cut down a diseased ash tree in front of a private home. Arbor Care owner Derek Willis says they took down about 30 ash trees in 2012 and are prepared for the much larger number to come down in the spring. (photo by Suzanne Szempruch)

    Arbor Care crew member Aaron Horn was the lucky one in the bucket Monday morning on W. North College, as the company worked to cut down a diseased ash tree.

  • Cool digs

    Cody Back, shown above, took advantage of the last two weeks of snow and cold to construct an igloo at his Robinwood Drive home. Helped by his parents, Scott Stolsenberg and Bettina Solas, Cody used recyling bins to mold the snow for the igloo, which features a lawn chair and lanterns inside. Warm temperatures in the next few days will test the igloo’s durability. (photo by Lauren Heaton)

    Cody Back took advantage of the last two weeks of snow and cold to construct an igloo at his Robinwood Drive home.

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