
From The Print Section :: Page 193

  • The next Village manager— Ideal qualities, priorities

    Pete Bales, Elke Doom, Allyson Murray and Josue Salmeron are vying for the position due to the upcoming retirement of Village Manager Patti Bates in July. Council is expected to chose the next manager in executive session on Monday, April 15.

  • Council declines to sell cell tower

    In a 3–2 decision, Village Council declined an offer from a private company to buy out the Sutton Farm cell tower.

  • Joe Ayres: a fixer of people, things

    A visit to Ayres’ Polecat Road home shows that some of what Ayres rescues is stuff. Known as a man with many friends, he is also known as a fixer of anything, so of course he often fixes things for his friends.

  • Co-op puts PVs within reach

    Gleaming solar panels hang on the steeply pitched roof of Eric Johnson’s South High Street home, and also top an all-electric tiny house in his backyard. Last year, Johnson’s solar panels met 90 percent of his household electricity use. And, most importantly to someone concerned about climate change, the 10-kilowatt array helped him produce less carbon dioxide.

  • Mary Donahoe

    Mary Donahoe

    A celebration of the life of Mary Donahoe will be held Sunday, May 19, 2 p.m., at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Yellow Springs.

  • Leonid ‘Lonya’ Clark

    Leonid ‘Lonya’ Clark

    Our friends, family and village should know that Lonya has left us.

  • Meister, Village reach terms

    Yellow Springs Police Officer David Meister has withdrawn his grievance with the Village following what a joint press release called a “very positive discussion” recently with Village Manager Patti Bates.

  • ‘A tear in the social fabric’— Beloved son, friend still missing

    Anyone who spends much time in downtown Yellow Springs knows Lonya Clark, called Leo by many of his friends. A once daily presence in the coffee shops and streets of town, the young man is known for greeting most everyone with a smile and friendly nod. But despite his growing up here, most people know only small pieces of who he is, how he spends his time and where he goes. And nobody seems to know where he’s been for close to three months now.

  • Joseph Robinson at YSAC gallery— The village, seen through eyes of joy

    Joseph Robinson loved his family, his community and his town. All three come together in a new exhibit at the Yellow Springs Arts Council gallery, called “Through the Eyes of Joseph Robinson: Paintings and Poetry of Yellow Springs.” The exhibit opens with an evening reception from 6 to 9 p.m. on Friday, April 19, and runs through May 12 during regular YSAC gallery hours, Wednesday through Sunday, 1 to 4 p.m.

  • All fired up

    Miami Township Fire-Rescue set a controlled burn Tuesday, April 2, of the prairie grass in the natural burial area at Glen Forest Cemetery, off U.S. 68 north. The burn is meant to strengthen the vitality of the grass and reduce weeds. (Photos by Carol Simmons)

    About a dozen members of Miami Township Fire-Rescue participated Tuesday, April 2, in a controlled burn of the prairie grass in the natural burial area at Glen Forest Cemetery.

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