
From The Print Section :: Page 568

  • At t-ball, as tender as we can be

    I had a first last Friday night. When I pulled into Gaunt Park around 6:25 p.m. for our 6:30–8 p.m. evening of Perry League t-ball, there was not a soul in sight. Not a child on the diamond. Not a parent in the bleachers. Not a car in the parking lot.

  • MacQueen to leave Home, Inc.

    Emily Seibel, left, takes over as the executive director of Home, Inc. next month when Marianne MacQueen, the affordable housing group’s founding board member and first director, steps down after more than 10 years at the helm. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Almost four decades separates Home, Inc. founding board member and first director Marianne MacQueen from her successor, Emily Seibel.

  • Family Dental practice purchased

    The two dentists who recently assumed control of Yellow Springs Family Dental are more than professional partners. They’re also close friends, who see running a practice together as an excellent combination.

  • A piazza for dance, and community

    Judith Wolert-Maldonado, also known as DJ Juju, is hosting a series of Dance Piazzas this summer at 100 Corry Street. The next Dance Piazza, which takes place at 7 p.m. on July 2, will feature lessons on the bhangra dance of India. The free dances continue on the first and third Saturday of the month through September, and everyone is invited. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    Bringing people together to dance under an open sky resonates on many levels for Judith Wolert-Maldonado, who’s organized outdoor Dance Piazzas in the village every other Saturday night this summer.

  • Beryl Schicker

    A memorial service for Beryl Schicker will be held on Saturday, July 16, 2–4 p.m., at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Yellow Springs.

  • Andrew Hevelin

    Andrew Scott (Kelso) Hevelin, formerly of Yellow Springs, died June 6 at his home in West Liberty, Ohio. He was 64.

  • Another face of our t-ball kids

    Jimmy Chesire got down in the dirt with t-ball player Mia Campbell at Gaunt Park on Friday, June 17. (Submitted photo)

    Evan Galarza, age 4, shines his love beacon up at me and says, “I want to be on the field with you.” I am thrilled to be chosen by such a dream child.

  • Schools hire new teachers, staff

    After a slate of retirements that took place this past year, the Yellow Springs schools began the rebuilding process this month by hiring six new teachers and staff.

  • Peggy Lou Pitstick

    Peggy Lou Pitstick died unexpectedly on Sunday, June 19, at Kettering Hospital, one day after her 78th birthday.

  • Village Council— How much to cut back trees?

    At their June 6 meeting Village Council began a discussion of Village tree-trimming policy, sparked by the need to budget money for this year’s tree work.

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