Miami Township Section :: Page 2
Miami Township Board of Trustees | Feb. 21 Meeting
The Miami Township Board of Trustees held its second regular meeting of the month Wednesday, Feb. 21.
Miami Township Fire-Rescue reviews 2023
According to Interim Fire Chief Dennis Powell, MTFR currently staffs 26 firefighters and EMTs and works with an annual budget of $1.4 million.
Miami Township Trustees discuss new-year business, solar
The Miami Township Board of Trustees held its first regular meeting of the year Wednesday, Jan. 3. Most of the meeting was focused on settling first-of-year business.
New utility-scale solar project proposed for Greene County
The proposed project, tentatively called the Aviation Energy Center, comes after the December 2022 Ohio Power Siting Board, or OPSB, denial of Vesper’s previously planned 1,500-acre, 175 MW utility-scale Kingwood solar project, which was also slated to be located in Greene County.
Zoning Inspector Richard Zopf terminated from position
During the most recent regular meeting of the Miami Township Board of Trustees on Monday, Dec. 4, longtime Zoning Inspector Richard Zopf was terminated from his position, which he’s held for 24 years.
Miami Township Trustees | Zoning hearing set, letter discussed
The BZA will consider a temporary-use permit to allow the Chamber of Commerce to sell bottled water and T-shirts at the sunflower field owned by local residents David and Sharen Neuhardt.
Township trustees support Polecat Road speed change
Village Planning Commission member Scott Osterholm spoke before the trustees on a plan to request that Greene County change the speed limit on Polecat Road to 35 mph outside Village limits near Ellis Park, on a stretch of road located within Miami Township.
Trustees bid Chief Altman farewell
Following an executive session, the trustees later voted to appoint current Assistant Fire Chief Dennis Powell to the position of interim fire chief, effective Friday, Aug. 11, beginning at 5 p.m.
Fire Chief Colin Altman to retire after 29 years
Chief Colin Altman is hanging up his turnout coat for good. After 29 years at the helm of Miami Township Fire-Rescue, Altman retires later this month.
Miami Township Trustees to change BZA procedures
The changes come following a June 5 meeting of the trustees in which local resident Steve Wirrig, owner of the Wirrig family pavilion between U.S. 68 North and Meredith Road, laid out concerns regarding the transparency of the BZA and the actions of Zoning Inspector Richard Zopf.
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