Now retired Miami Township Fiscal Office Margaret Silliman welcomed family and friends at a retirement reception Wednesday, March 20. After 24 years of dedicated public service, Margaret decided that it was time to enjoy some well-deserved rest and recreation. (Submitted photo)
Miami Township Trustees | Fiscal Officer Margaret Silliman signs off
- Published: April 2, 2024
Longtime Township staff member Margaret Silliman gave her final fiscal report at the most recent regular meeting of the Miami Township Board of Trustees on Monday, March 18. After serving for 24 years in the position, Silliman retired this month; her successor, Jeanna GunderKline, who was elected last fall, will take over as fiscal officer beginning in April.
After reading a resolution for permanent appropriations — which the trustees approved — Silliman said: “I’d like to just wrap up my portion of the meeting here and express to everybody that it’s been an honor and a privilege to serve in this position.”
Trustee Chris Mucher, noting that he has served on the board for the entirety of Silliman’s time as fiscal officer, said in response: “I don’t see too many faces that were here when Margaret and I first started. So I’m taking it upon myself to heartily thank her for every day of your service — and we will miss you a lot.”
A farewell party for Silliman was held last week in the Miami Township Fire-Rescue Community Meeting Room; see page 3 for more on the gathering.
In other Township business:
• Interim Fire Chief Dennis Powell reported that Miami Township Fire-Rescue, or MTFR, had responded to 20 EMS calls and eight fire calls since the last regular meeting of the trustees. Powell also gave an update on MTFR’s planning for the total solar eclipse on Monday, April 8, when an influx of visitors and traffic are expected.
MTFR will increase its staffing from three employees to eight that day, according to Powell, with each employee working a 12-hour shift to ensure that the busiest period is covered. Powell added that he and YS Police Chief Paige Burge had recently met with administrators at Friends Care Community, where Friends Care staff were advised that MTFR would likely route all medical transports to Greene Memorial Hospital rather than Soin Medical Center, with the expectation that travel in the direction of Beavercreek, where Soin is located, will be difficult due to heavy traffic.
• Trustees appointed local residents Jayne Brahler and Mark Willis as new alternates for the Zoning Commission.
• Trustees amended and approved a job description for the position of zoning inspector; a draft of the job description was written by Interim Zoning Inspector Denise Swinger.
As approved, the job description states that the zoning inspector will work an average of 20 hours per week to conduct thorough inspections of properties; review zoning permit applications and site plans; collaborate with property owners to address inquiries and concerns; investigate and respond to zoning violation complaints; maintain accurate records; prepare detailed reports and agendas for the Township Zoning Commission and Township Board of Zoning Appeals meetings; stay informed about the changes in zoning laws; provide guidance to the public regarding zoning requirements and processes; propose amendments to the Zoning Resolution to the Zoning Commission; provide the Township Trustees with a monthly activity report; and oversee records retention.
Mucher, noting that Swinger’s time as interim zoning inspector was intended to be temporary, said he was keen to approve the job description and disseminate it to local news agencies.
“We’ve promised [Swinger] that April would be the last time she would be working, so … I’d like to get this published,” he said.
To view the March 18 meeting in full, go to http://www.youtube.com/@miamitownshiptrusteesmeeti8534
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