Police Section :: Page 29
Two men apprehended, confess to recent burglaries
Yellow Springs police apprehended two Springfield men who confessed their involvement in the rash of burglaries that have been committed in the village over the past three to four months, Police Chief John Grote said on Tuesday morning.
Drug dogs may come to YSHS
At their Nov. 13 meeting, members of the Yellow Springs Board of Education discussed bringing in trained dogs to search for drugs in Yellow Springs High School.
Police charge YS resident with Timothy Harris murder
After a lengthy investigation by the Yellow Springs Police Department, the Greene County Prosecutor last week charged Phillip K. Cordell with the 2004 murder of local resident Timothy Harris.
Village police now using Tasers
The Yellow Springs Police Department began arming its officers with the stun guns better known as Tasers in August, and so far they have performed as they were designed, to reduce violent confrontations between officers and the public, according to Yellow Springs Police Chief John Grote.
Bakari indicted on drug charges, sought by police
Yellow Springs police, the Greene County Prosecutor and the Greene County Agencies for Combined Enforcement (A.C.E.) announced at a press conference on Friday, May 2, that a Greene County grand jury has indicted former Yellow Springs resident Umoja Iddi Bakari with 22 counts related to his running a drug ring between Columbus and Yellow Springs.
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