AUM Section :: Page 3
BLOG – Then & Now display at Antioch Midwest
Today’s blog showcases Saturday’s opening of Antioch Midwest alum Andy Snow’s award-winning photo exhibit “Then and Now” featuring historic images from the 1913 Dayton flood contrasted with his photos from the same locations 100 years later.
First Education Conference— AUM, college collaborate on kids
An upcoming educational conference at Antioch University Midwest and Antioch College seeks to address topics of concern to many local parents and educators: how technology affects children, and how best to create safe, healthy schools.
Online model broadens access to AU courses
School these days doesn’t always involve a classroom of students or even a building to house them. But learning can still take place without place, over the cables and waves of the internet. That’s the concept Antioch University bet on this month when it contracted with online content provider Coursera to offer Antioch credit to students taking classes online.
AU creates new change-makers
For the 18 graduates from Antioch University’s Leadership and Change Ph.D. program, the degree was far more than an academic accomplishment.
Leadership shift at Midwest
The day-to-day operations of Antioch University Midwest are under a new leader, since President Michael Fishbein, while still maintaining his title, is no longer on the premises. Dr. Ellen Hall, who was recently named provost of Midwest, is now responsible for running the school.
Antioch University, AUM changes
2011 Year in review: Antioch University, AUM
First students receive certificates in healthcare advocacy from Antioch Midwest
For the first time in the nation, a group of students at Antioch University Midwest has completed a certification program in the field of healthcare advocacy.
AUM leads health advocacy
Already a pioneer in its training of advocates who help guide patients and families through the healthcare system, Antioch University Midwest’s Healthcare Consumer Advocacy Certificate Program is now looking to spur new collaborations among healthcare providers in the Miami Valley.
AUM expands academic focus
The academic options at Antioch University Midwest just got quite a bit wider with the recent revamping of two existing programs and the launching of several new ones at both the undergraduate and the graduate levels.
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