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Video Section :: Page 7

  • VIDEO: Cosey sprints to second at regionals, eyes state

    Mario Cosey took second in the 100-meter dash at regionals on Friday to solidify his place at next week’s state tournament. See a video of his run.

  • VIDEO: Wheels performs “Sit Down” from their debut album

    Local band Wheels performs the song “Sit Down” from their debut album Fields on Fire.

  • Poetry readings continue at YSAC Gallery

    Enthusiasts of the written word gathered again last night for an evening of poetry as Clark State professors and poets Chris Bay and Rachel Peterson read their work at the YSAC Gallery.

  • GALLERY: Wood-fired kiln opened

    After days of stoking the fires, the new wood-fired “manabigama,” or beautiful-teaching, kiln at John Bryan Community Pottery was opened to reveal its pottery treasures within. Watch a video and see more photos after the jump.

  • VIDEO: A sneak peek of YSHS’s Chicago

    The Yellow Springs High School drama club will open its spring musical, Chicago, this weekend. See a video sneak peek after the jump.

  • Raptor Center releases rehabilitated hawk

    The Glen Helen Raptor Center released a rehabilitated red-tailed hawk back into the wild on Sunday, April 17.

  • Yellow Springs students hold walkout in protest of Ohio Senate bill

    Local students left school Friday in a statement of protest against the state senate’s recent approval of Senate Bill 5, which would curb the rights of Ohio’s public employees, including teachers.

  • BLOG – Wordsmithery in action

    Wherein I pontificate about Monday night’s poetry reading, hosted by myself and my partner, Anthony, at the YSAC Gallery.

  • VIDEO: Mills Lawn presents Bollywood Jungle Book

    The Mills Lawn all-school musical Bollywood Jungle Book premieres Saturday, March 5, at 7 p.m. and again on Sunday, at 2 p.m. Both shows take place at the Paul Robeson Performing Arts Center at Central State University.

  • VIDEO: YS swimmers clinch district titles, eye state tournament

    Elizabeth Malone, swimming the breast stroke as part of the 200-yard individual medley, qualified for states in two events.

    Bulldog swimmers Erika Chick and Elizabeth Malone clinched district titles at the Division II Southwest Ohio District Tournament on Saturday. See a video of their peak performances and photos from the meet.

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