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Sports Section :: Page 107

  • Sign-up for Minor League ball to end

    Final registration for the 2008 Yellow Springs Minor League Youth Baseball program will be held on Saturday, May 24, from 1 to 3 p.m., at Gaunt Park. Boys and girls ages 7 to 11 are eligible to participate as long as they will not have turned 12 by July 31.

  • Bulldog sports roundup

    The Bulldog boys track team won the Metro Buckeye Conference meet at Troy Christian on Friday, May 16, by an overwhelming margin over the seven other teams. Yellow Springs had 169 points, well ahead of Dayton Christian’s 113, and host Troy Christian’s 105.

  • Basketball camp offered

    Kilan Brown and Andrew Ferguson will host a basketball camp for girls and boys in grades four through eight on Tuesday and Wednesday, May 27 and 28, from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m., at the Yellow Springs High School gym.

  • Join summer track

    The Miami Valley Track Club begins practices for its summer season this week. Practices are held Monday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings in May at 6 p.m. at the Yellow Springs High School track.

  • Still time to join soccer camp

    Registration for the Yellow Springs Soccer Inc. (YSSI) hosted summer soccer camps is currently under way. The location of this camp has been slightly changed to accommodate the Morgan soccer field renovation project that is scheduled to begin in June.

  • Baseball notes

    Last chance Major League Youth Baseball sign ups will be held on Saturday, May 17, 9–10:30 a.m., at Gaunt Park. Boys and girls ages 11–14 are eligible to play. For more information, call Chris Lloyd, 767-9318.

  • Bulldog sports roundup

    At this year’s Bulldog Invitational track meet on Friday, May 9, the YSHS boys track team finished second of 11 teams. Bethel won the meet with 153 points, while Yellow Springs trailed with 117 points, and Lockland followed with 110.

  • Seeking baseball coaches

    Yellow Springs Major League is seeking coaches for the 2008 season and a baseball commissioner to run the league. Those interested in either position can contact Chris Lloyd at 767-9318.

  • Major League sign-ups

    A sign-up event for the Yellow Springs Major League Baseball season will take place at the Gaunt Park field on Friday, May 9, from 6 to 7:30 p.m., and on Saturday, May 10, from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. Boys and girls ages 11 to 14 are eligible to play.

  • McKinney track team sets records

    The McKinney School track team saw four records fall this past weekend at the Troy Christian Invitational on Saturday, May 3. Leading the way for the boys team was eighth grader Logan Norris, who won all three events he entered and set new school records.

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