
Village Life Section :: Page 220

  • Glen reaches out for support

    Fear of snakes is common, but visitors who have held gentle Pepper, the black rat snake who resides at Glen Helen’s Trailside Museum, know that most local snakes are harmless.

  • Bakari had charisma, talent

    Iddi Bakari was a sportsman with unparalleled fashion savvy. He was a charismatic jokester who could talk his way out of a tight spot. He prayed a lot and loved his family.

  • Park flowers into its first decade

    What if you were given the task to create a lasting monument to commemorate the contributions of a significant number of people? Instead of a bronze statue or marble marker, however, you decide to construct something different…

  • Village gardens bloom with summer sights this Sunday

    The flower names from the various gardens read like a class roster from Antioch School. In one “classroom” there is Veronica, Spiraea, Yarrow and Daylily along with the Hosta triplets — Janet, June and Francee.

  • Community response to Dayton Daily News article—YS ‘drug culture’ overstated, some say

    Ask an adult who was raised in Yellow Springs and returned here to live what the village is about, and many will say it is a safe, progressive community that accepts people for who they are.

  • Organic farm principles, preservation draw TLT gathering

    If the bold colors and perfumes of spring provoke gratitude for the natural world, they should also spark deep appreciation for the work it takes to keep it that way.

  • Green pricing offers power options

    Yellow Springs residents will soon have the opportunity to ensure that the cost of their share of household energy use goes to supporting renewable power sources like the sun, wind, waterways and landfill gas. Village Council on Monday, May 19, agreed to initiate a new “green pricing” program that will offer residents the option of […]

  • Friends Preschool forges intergenerational bonds

    Residents of Friends Care Community interact and bond with children attending Friends Preschool, which is housed inside the nursing home.

  • Wright State Center gives free wellness screenings

    The road to wellness of mind, body and spirit should start at home, one that Wright State Family Health Center practitioners have begun to call a “medical home.” Forget trying to treat the belly ache separate from the cough and the anxiety…

  • Watching birds, helping the Glen

    Eleven months out of the year, Glen Helen Director Nick Boutis likes to sleep in, but in May he rolls out of bed early. That’s the month that migrating birds stop in the Glen and Glen Helen Director Nick Boutis, a bird lover, can be found in the nature preserve with his binoculars even at the crack of dawn, looking up.

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