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Village Schools Section :: Page 71

  • School forecasts lack of funds

    The latest five-year budget forecast presented at the school board meeting Thursday, Oct. 4, continued to show that the district is still facing financial woes.

  • PTO to talk Project BRITE STAR

    The YSHS and McKinney PTO will hold its next meeting on Monday, Oct. 15 at 7 p.m. in the YSHS/McKinney cafeteria.

  • Education film to honor Wallis

    Don Wallis, center,was a lifelong education advocate and died before a film on alternative education he purchased, August to June: Bringing Life Back to School!, could be publicly screened. It will be shown at the Little Art Theatre at 4 p.m. on Oct. 14. From left to right clockwise around Wallis are Mary Triplett, Jade Turner, Tasha Fox, Liana Rothman, Hana Katz-Stein and Emily Corwin Renner, circa 2002. (Submitted photo courtesy of the Antioch School)

    For 90 years the Antioch School has been an alternative educational option for local children. But what if the Yellow Springs public schools could become more like the Antioch School?

  • Education film to honor Wallis

    Don Wallis, center,was a lifelong education advocate and died before a film on alternative education he purchased, August to June: Bringing Life Back to School!, could be publicly screened. It will be shown at the Little Art Theatre at 4 p.m. on Oct. 14. From left to right clockwise around Wallis are Mary Triplett, Jade Turner, Tasha Fox, Liana Rothman, Hana Katz-Stein and Emily Corwin Renner, circa 2002. (Submitted photo courtesy of the Antioch School)

    The Antioch School will screen “August to June: Bringing Life to School!” a film that follows a teacher for a year using the open classroom model, in memory of Don Wallis.

  • At Mills Lawn, inquiry is king

    The new buzzword in the Yellow Springs School District this school year is “inquiry-based learning,” and at Mills Lawn Elementary School the effort to guide learning around student interest and problem-solving is already under way.

  • Teachers aim for big ideas

    Every six seconds a child somewhere in the world dies from hunger. Leaders hunger for power, scholars hunger for knowledge, and demonstrators hunger to make statements about change. And everyone, big and small, hungers for love. Hunger is a big word, and its many iterations are the theme of this year’s McKinney School and Yellow Springs High School experience.

  • New teachers at McKinney, YSHS

    Brandon Lowry, Nancy Beers, Karleen Materne and Cameron McCoy

  • Welcome back to school!

    Riding off into the sunrise, on the way to school. (Photo by Matt Minde)

    By now it’s more than evident that school is back in session.

  • 2012-13 Yellow Springs School Guide

    Extra copies of the Yellow Springs School Guide are still available at the News office.

    Far from being garden mulch, the Yellow Springs News School Guide contains useful information for the whole year.

  • Schools consider local food

    A new Wellness Committee hopes to secure a grant to support a “farm to school” operation to get locally sourced fresh fruits and vegetables onto the trays of students at both the village’s elementary and secondary schools.

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