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Village Schools Section :: Page 70

  • Students sail by state exam

    By design of the evaluation tool, the Yellow Springs school district fell this year from “excellent with distinction” to just “excellent” in its quality designation on the State of Ohio report card. But the apparent reduction in status was merely a technical result of the State’s metrics, as the district received exactly the same student-wide achievement score as last year, when it was labeled “excellent with distinction” for the second consecutive year.

  • Making dough

    The fourth-grade class at Mills Lawn school proudly presented a check to the Yellow Springs Food Bank this week for $182.92. (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    The fourth-grade class at Mills Lawn school proudly presented a check to the Yellow Springs Food Bank this week for $182.92. (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

  • A Monumental Event!

    Last Friday was the Mills Lawn Spelling Bee. There were 21 students involved and they all did a fantastic job! Congrats to all of them!

  • Reed quintet delights students

    Members of the Amsterdam-based reed quintet Calefax treated Mills Lawn students to a music workshop on Monday.

  • Little Egypt filled with facts and artifacts

    Mills Lawn School sixth graders presented the fruits of their studies at Egypt night, displaying masks, models and jewelry. (Photos by Matt Minde)

    Mills Lawn School was teeming last Friday with mascaraed, robed and loinclothed sixth graders who presented the fruits of their studies at the annual Egypt night, Thursday, Nov. 15.

  • YSHS fall play picks up the pieces

    This year’s fall play at Yellow Springs High School has been full of drama with an unscripted denouement. Plagued by chronic absences and a slew of actors dropping out, three weeks into rehearsals for Arthur Miller’s The Crucible, the production was scrapped.

  • YSHS theatrical review showcases acting talent

    This year’s fall play at Yellow Springs High School, a theatrical review featuring scenes from The Crucible, Peter Pan and more, opens on Friday, Nov. 2.

  • Schools justify new levy

    Local voters will decide on Nov. 6 whether to approve a property tax increase for the Yellow Springs School District.

  • Mills Lawn Halloween Parade

    Yesterday wasn’t the best day for a parade but the staff and kids at Mills Lawn School were able to squeeze in a short and sweet one between the rain drops.

  • School forecasts lack of funds

    The latest five-year budget forecast presented at the school board meeting Thursday, Oct. 4, continued to show that the district is still facing financial woes.

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