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Articles About Central Chapel AME
  • Celebrate with Central Chapel A.M.E.

    Worshippers at Central Chapel A.M.E. held hands and formed a circle around the perimeter of the church on a recent Sunday. The church is celebrating its 150th anniversary this year. All members of the Yellow Springs community are invited to anniversary events, including an anniversary worship service this Sunday, Feb. 14, at 11 a.m., featuring guest speaker Dr. Michael Brown of Payne Theological Seminary. (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    Festivities begin with an anniversary worship service this Sunday, Feb. 14, at 11 a.m. Rev. Michael Brown of Payne Theological Seminary is the guest speaker.

  • BLOG— Back-to-school with Central Chapel AME

    I may never actually go “back to school” again, but every August, some part of me does. My heart beats a little faster. My stomach does a few off-the-diving-board flips.

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