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Looking for the calendar of events?

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13 Responses to “Help”

  1. Lauren Shows says:

    Hi Lainie,

    The News doesn’t publish all of its content on the website, and letters are some of the content that we reserve for the print only. However, if you’re looking for a specific letter or letters, News staff is typically able to help. Give us a call at 937-767-7373 or email us at ysnews@ysnews.com.

  2. Lainie K Holman says:

    Y’all, is there any way to search Letters to the Editor?

  3. Matt Minde says:

    G’day to you, too! You’re in luck! The Antiochian, the college alumni magazine, is in its third year of publication, and the The Record, the Antioch College newspaper, just resumed publication a couple of weeks ago, after a 6- or 7-year hiatus. You can contact Alumni Relations at https://alumni.antiochcollege.org, and the Record at therecord@antiochcollege.org. Good luck!

  4. Zelka Linda Grammer says:

    gidday from New Zealand! just wondering, there used to be a hard copy newsletter for ex- Antiochians…is there now anything available online? keen to catch up with a few of my colleagues from the early 80′s. thanks much! x zelka linda grammer
    aotearoa/ NZ

  5. Lauren Shows says:

    Hi Dana,

    You did nothing wrong. Your letter appeared on page 5 of last week’s News.

  6. Dana E. Wilson says:

    A week ago or so I sent you a brief note to be considered for publication as a Letter to the Editor. I heard nothing back.

    What did I do wrong?

  7. Lauren Shows says:

    Hi Emily,

    Thanks for your interest in the Community Calendar. Events posted to our Community Calendar are submitted for inclusion via e-mail, or by way of the “Submissions” page, which you’ll see a link for at the top of the home page. All submissions are edited for style, printed in the newspaper’s calendar and added to the web calendar.

    The News only lists events on the Community Calendar that are occurring in Yellow Springs or Clifton.

  8. How can I post a new community event on the community calendar?

  9. Vincent Carbonara says:

    Hello. My name is Vincent Carbonara. I am an Italian citizen in 1968 in Rome’s Termini train station, while performing their military service, I met a young American woman and helped her to carry, even against his will, his luggage on the platform from which she would continue her travel to Naples to reach friends who, so I seem to remember, lived in Capri or Sorrento. Her name was Johanna Smith and remember who told me to be a painter and art teacher, who lives in Portal Drive (can not remember the number because over the years I lost the card with his notes) at Warren (Ohio).
    Today I accidentally came up with this surname Smith while I was on the internet and I tried to do a search discovered this site where an artist is mentioned in the same general and I would love to know if it’s the same person I met many years ago . I mean, anyway, thank you in advance for what you possibly tell me and I send heartfelt greetings.
    My email address is: coolmind28 {at} libero(.)it
    PS: Sorry for my English, I helped with the Google translator

  10. Bomani Moyenda says:

    Now it is seems to be working. There is a box now to post in. Thanks Lauren. Must be magic

  11. Lauren Shows says:

    Hi Bomani,

    Thanks for your interest in the blogs; for the time being, the blogs are only being written by News staff, but this would certainly be something we’d love to see discussed in our forums.

    That is, assuming you can access them; I see from your second comment that you’re having trouble posting on the Visioning forum? I can help you better if I have an idea of what you’re looking at when you go into the forums. When you click the “forum” link at top, then click on “visioning” under forum, what do you see? It should give you a form, which allows you to create a new post.

  12. Bomani Moyenda says:

    Can anyone start a blog? I would be intersted in seeing one titled “Making Diversity Happen” or something similar that addressed thoughts and remedies about the shrinking African American population in YS

  13. Bomani Moyenda says:

    I tried to comment in the forum “Visioning” and found I could not access. There was no “comment” box. Is this closed?

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