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  • Quite a fair day at the fair


  • YSKP to bring life to ‘Frankenstein’

    Fans of Mary Shelley’s original work, Frankenstein, written in 1818, must have been horrified to watch Hollywood hook its profit-seeking electrodes up to her carefully constructed philosophical essay, then zap 42 celluloid creations into life.

  • New hope, new purpose at ‘08 Antioch alumni reunion

    A little more than a week ago, this week’s Antioch College Alumni Reunion seemed notable for possibly being the last reunion of the 155-year-old institution before Antioch closes its doors June 30.

  • New process aids teachers, board to come to agreement

    After an unusually brief negotiating period, the Yellow Springs Board of Education approved a tentative contract with the school system’s teachers at its June 12 meeting.

  • Faculty and staff vacate Antioch College campus this week

    The laboratory where Antioch College geology professor Peter Townsend taught for 37 years was a mess of beakers, textbooks and research last week scattered half in and half out of the boxes scheduled to leave the science building.

  • Pirates lead Minor League

    The Pirates brought their lead to 3–0 in the Minor Leagues last week, as the Dragons defeated the Cubs 11–2 on Monday, June 9, while the Reds notched their first win of the season by overcoming the Dragons 8–7 on Wednesday, June 11.

  • Sea Dog practice begins

    The summer swim team program has started at Gaunt Park pool. Practices are at 9 a.m. for ages 11 and up; and 10 a.m. for ages 10 and under. Fees are $75 for individuals and $100 for families. Registration materials and meet schedules are available at practice.

  • After 35 years of chalkboards, scoreboards, Rainey retires

    It’s not much news when an employee leaves his first real job after college, but when that person has held that job for 35 years, the occasion is worthy of note.

  • Gym open for girls

    The Yellow Springs High School girls basketball program will offer open gym for girls every Tuesday and Thursday, 4:30–6:30 p.m., at the high school gym.

  • Bulldog sports roundup

    The four athletes representing Yellow Springs High School at this past weekend’s state track meet at the Jesse Owens Memorial Stadium in Columbus brought home five medals and a lot of pride for their strong showing in the Division III events.

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