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Dealing with the storm aftermath

Village windstorm brush, limb pickup

Due to the unusually high volume of tree damage caused by Sunday’s high winds, the Village of Yellow Springs has expanded its efforts to collect branches and limbs in local neighborhoods.

For at least the next two weeks, Village crews will be collecting any downed branches set out at the curb by residents. It is preferred that limbs and large branches be cut into three-foot sections, but these traditional guidelines are not being strictly enforced during this period.

For more information, call the Village of Yellow Springs Public Works Department at 937-767-3402.

County expands debris drop off hours

Greene County Environmental Services is offering expanded hours at the Central Yard Waste Drop Off site, 2145 Greene Way Boulevard, for yard debris. The site will be open Friday 7:30 a.m.–4 p.m.; and Saturday, 9 a.m.–4 p.m. Normal size restrictions do not apply; however, tree trunks will not be accepted.

The county does not have the facilities to accept building debris, such as shingles, bricks and fencing. Anything that has been part of or attached to a structure can be taken to a construction demolition site, such as Xenia Demolition Landfill on Dayton-Xenia Road.

For more information on county drop off yard debris sites, call 937-562-7679.

‘When in doubt, throw it out’

With numerous households, restaurants, schools, grocery stores and businesses left without electricity after the high wind storm on Sunday, the Greene County Combined Health District has provided the following recommendations to help minimize the potential for foodborne illnesses due to the power outages. Power failures pose an additional risk where food supplies may become contaminated, damaged or spoiled.

• Keep refrigerator and freezer doors closed as much as possible. A freezer that is half full will hold up to 24 hours and a full freezer for 48 hours.

• Pack refrigerated milk, dairy products, meats, fish, poultry, eggs, gravy, stuffing and left-overs into a cooler surrounded by ice.

• Butter/margarine, hard and processed cheeses, canned fruits and fresh fruits, fresh mushrooms, herbs and spices, fruit pies, breads/rolls/cakes/etc., opened jelly/relish/mustard/catsup/taco and barbeque sauces may all be kept.

• Any refrigerated perishable foods held above 41° Fahrenheit for over two–four hours should be discarded. Mayonnaise, tartar sauce and horseradish held at 50° Fahrenheit or more for over eight hours should be discarded.

• Never taste a food to determine its safety and do not eat any food you think may be unsafe. Safest approach is when in doubt, throw it out.

• Food that still contains ice crystals or is 41° Fahrenheit or less may be refrozen.

• If raw food has leaked during thawing, clean and disinfect the areas the food has touched.

• Restaurants, grocery stores, and any other business selling perishable food items must discard any such food items that have been above 41° Fahrenheit for more than four hours. Such food items shall not be used in any fashion and must be discarded. Thawed frozen foods may be used only if the food has not been above 41° Fahrenheit for more than four hours.

Any questions, contact the Greene County Combined Health District for guidance. Prevent potential foodborne illnesses by throwing away any food that is in doubt.

Handouts providing more detailed information are available at the Greene County Combined Health District by stopping by our offices at 360 Wilson Drive, Xenia. For additional information, please contact the Environmental Health Division at (937) 374-5606.

Greene County on food stamps, debris

Proper food disposal

The Greene County Combined Health District wants the community to be informed about proper disposal of food and food items after this extended power outage. Consumers should pay close attention to food that has thawed out due to the prolonged loss of electrical power:

• Strain away liquids and wrap garbage in several layers of newspaper.

• Food and food debris should then be double bagged. Do not place large amounts of food into each bag. Limit each bag to 20 pounds (what one person can easily handle). Store in a garbage can with a tight fitting lid.

• Set out on your regular trash collection day. If it will be a period of time before pick up is possible, store the containers in a garage or secure area to discourage rats and animals from scattering the trash.

• Specific questions regarding your trash pick up should be directed to the waste removal company.

For more information, contact the Greene County Environmental Health Division at 937-374-5606.

Food stamp replacement

The Greene County Department of Job and Family Services is accepting applications to replace spoiled food that was purchased with food stamps. Applications are available at the front desk at 541 Ledbetter Road, in Xenia, and must be submitted within 10 days of the event or the discovery of spoiled food. Applications can also be mailed. Individuals can request an amount equal to the amount of food lost, but not exceeding the food stamp allotment for the month of the disaster.

Disaster assistance available for some

Disaster assistance may be available to low-income families who experienced property damage from the wind storm. This assistance can help home owners with various home repairs directly related to wind damage. To be eligible, applicants must have income at or below 200 percent of the Federal Poverty level and either have minor children or be aged 55 or older or in receipt of disability benefits. To apply for disaster assistance, call the agency at 562-6000 or visit the agency at the 541 Ledbetter Road, Xenia. The Greene County Department of Job and Family Services is open from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Storm damage clean up

Sunday’s windstorm dropped hundreds of trees on Glen Helen trails and bridges. Director Nick Boutis is asking hikers to stay home until trails can be reopened. To volunteer for a trail work crew, contact Jeff Robertson at 769-1907.

Various Glen Helen walks were scheduled before the wind storm and may have been canceled due to storm damage. Call 769-1902 to make make sure trails are open.

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