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  • Yellow Springs, 2009: The Year In Review

    Yellow Springs Schools and Sports in 2009

  • Basketball team honors influential teachers

  • Bulldog Sports Round-up

    The Lady Bulldogs basketball team achieved a convincing 50–32 victory over Xenia Christian on Monday, Dec. 14, before edging out Jefferson 52–41 on Thursday, Dec. 17. The wins take the girls team to a winning record of 3–2.

  • At Friends Community, sweet care and bittersweet holidays

    While Friends Care Community employees work hard all year long, they put in extra effort over the holidays, according to longtime restoration aide Kent Little, who has worked in the local nursing home for 23 years.

    “Employees try hard to make it a good Christmas for residents,” he said this week. “They take pride in what they do.”

  • Village Council— New meeting rules approved

    At their Dec. 21 meeting, members of Village Council unanimously gave preliminary approval to a new ordinance on procedures for calling public meetings.

    “I feel strongly that we want to be as transparent as possible,” said Council President Judith Hempfling. “With this in place, I’m comfortable that we’ve done everything that we can do.”

  • More villagers seeking help

    Consumers may have tightened their belts this whole past year, but the longer the financial slump continues, the harder it is for those living close to the bone to get by. An increase in the number of people served by a group of local organizations that provide emergency welfare help reflects the increased difficulty local residents are having getting enough warm winter wear, adequate heat in the house and ample food on the table. Especially in a giving season, the local welfare leaders extend a thanks for the generosity of the community and a note that in an economy such as this one, everyone is dealing with the loss in some measure.

  • Sweep of school leadership discussed

    At the regular Dec. 10 school board meeting, board members considered the attributes they will seek in their upcoming search to hire several top administrators. At that meeting, longtime Yellow Springs High School Principal John Gudgel officially announced his retirement at the end of this school year, and 10-year District Treasurer Joy Kitzmiller, who has accepted a position with Cedar Cliff schools, announced her resignation. Kitzmiller will also stay until the end of the year.

  • Warm heads, warm hands, warm hearts

    Mills Lawn fifth- and sixth-grade Student Council members collected mittens, scarves, hats and coats for the 2009 Giving Tree. The gifts will go to keep children at the Greene County Homeless Shelter warm this winter. Pictured are, clockwise from top left, Danny Horton, Aaron Sherwood, Ursula Kremer, Lake Miller, Allie Bothwell, MacKenna Banaszak-Moore, Erica Renard and Danielle Worsham. Not pictured are Shekinah Williams, Angel Johnson and Alice Miller.

  • Carol of the bells

    Copies of this and other photographs may be purchased from the News; please contact us via e-mail at, or by phone, between 9:30 a.m. and 5: 30 p.m., Mon.–Fri.

  • Gudgel to retire; Kitzmiller resigns

    Completing the Yellow Springs school district’s administrative sweep, YSHS Principal John Gudgel is retiring at the end of this school year after three decades as an educator, guidance counselor, coach and principal in the district. In addition, Treasurer/Chief Financial Officer Joy Kitzmiller has resigned her post in order to manage the financial affairs of her home district, Cedar Cliff, starting next school year.

    The board is also seeking replacements for former Superintendent Norm Glismann and former Mills Lawn Principal Christine Hatton.

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