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  • Jack Lawson

    Jack R. Lawson of Springfield died Wednesday, Jan. 6, at the Springfield Regional Center. He was 57.

  • Bertha Roberts

    Bertha Lee Martin Roberts died Thursday, Jan. 8, at Friends Care. She was 89.

  • Bulldog Sports Round-up

    The new year for the YSHS girls basketball team started out with a bit of a dud against Mechanicsburg, who came to town on Monday, Jan. 4, and left with a 56–51 victory. But Yellow Springs came back to crush Belmont 63–32 on Saturday, Jan. 9, to go ahead 4–3 for the season.

  • Snow — silent and not so silent

    Copies of this and other photographs may be purchased from the News; please contact us via e-mail at, or by phone, between 9:30 a.m. and 5: 30 p.m., Mon.–Fri.

  • One dance step at a time for Colbert

    Since being diagnosed with an aggressive breast cancer nine months ago, Shelley Colbert has endured chemotherapy, major surgery and radiation treatment. Along with the resulting pain, fatigue and anxiety of those treatments, Colbert has grappled with another challenge as well — accepting help from the community where she grew up, raised her children, and cared for the children of others.

  • Village Council — New economic sustainability group considered

    At their Jan. 4 meeting, Village Council members continued an extended discussion on how the Village should best address economic development by considering a proposal for an economic sustainability commission from Council President Judith Hempfling, and discussed concerns about a new ordinance establishing procedures to notify citizens about public meetings.

  • Bicycles, use the whole lane

    Village Council’s goal to make Yellow Springs a more walkable and bikeable community prompted the Village Bicycle Enhancement Committee to take action on new traffic signs this fall and winter. The signs are a reminder that bicyclists are encouraged to use the entire lane.

    As head of the bike committee and an avid bicyclist himself, Dan Carrigan is passionate about educating both bikers and motorized drivers of the laws that give bicyclists greater rights and responsibilities.

    “As bicyclists, we’re being assertive,” he said. “The roads are a shared social network -— we all have a right to use them.”

  • Short films debut at Little Art


    Filmmaker and villager Vanessa Query, left, has organized a festival of original short films that will be shown at the Little Art Theatre at 2 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 21. She is shown with Little Art -Executive Director Jenny Cowperthwaite, who is enthusiastic about providing a venue for independent filmmakers.

  • Kay Corbin

    Kay (Carolyn) Corbin died on Sunday, Jan. 3, at Friends Care Community. There will be no formal services. However, a day of celebration will be held at the Spring Run Trout Club on Saturday, April 24.

  • Jennifer Lynn Freckman

    Jennifer Lynn Freckman died Tuesday, Dec. 22, in her Yellow Springs home. She was 48.

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