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No dog park at Ellis

The Ellis Park dog park, passed by Village Council in a split vote at a recent meeting, will not be located at the park after all. On Monday, April 19, Council members voted 4–0–1 to rescind the previous vote, with Lori Askeland, Judith Hempfling, Rick Walkey and John Booth voting to rescind and Karen Wintrow, the mother of one of the two Yellow Springs High School students who proposed the park, abstaining.

For now, the dog park is on hold. All Council members stated their support for the idea of the park, but agreed with Village Manager Mark Cundiff, who stated that choosing a location should take place in the context of a holistic look at local parks. That analysis will probably not take place this year, he said.

See the April 22 print edition of the News for a detailed report.

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