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Articles About dog park

  • ‘See Spot run’— Plans for local dog park take shape

    A new plan is afoot, or a-paw, to locate a park for Yellow Springs’ furry residents on 1.3 acres of unused land west of the water towers at Gaunt Park, abutting Talus Drive and a farm field.

  • No dog park at Ellis Park

    Ellis Park, the home of what many villagers consider a bird sanctuary and nature preserve, will not be the site of a dog park after all, following the April 19 Village Council meeting. At the meeting Council members voted to rescind the March vote that okayed Ellis as the dog park location, as had been proposed by two Yellow Springs High School seniors.

  • No dog park at Ellis

    On Monday, April 19, Council members decided that Ellis Park dog park will not be located at the park after all.

  • Fluoridation

    The new Village dog park will remain at Ellis Park, after the majority of Council members were not swayed at their April 5 meeting by arguments to relocate the park to a new location.

  • Dog park slated for Ellis Park

    With a crowd of about 70 people gathered on Monday, March 15, to hear about the fate of the village’s first bark park, Village Council members approved 4–1 a resolution to support a dog park at Ellis Park. Council requested that the group pursuing the dog park should consult the Tree Committee, whose members have spent over 20 years cultivating a scenic park at the Ellis Park location.

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