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  • Track meet Friday

    The 10th annual Yellow Springs Bulldog Invitational will take place this Friday evening, May 7, at the high school track. The biggest sporting event of the high school’s spring sports season, the meet attracts schools from as far away as Cincinnati and Sydney. Competition gets underway at 4:45 p.m. with the field events.

  • Rec baseball needs volunteers

    Volunteers are needed to help this summer with youth recreational baseball. There is a need for assistant coaches for both minor and major leagues, as well as field preparation for infield (which will not include mowing). Volunteers may help with either or both. Students grades 9–12 who volunteer will be eligible for community service credits.

  • Rec baseball registration ending

    The deadline for registration for the 2010 youth baseball season, for both minor and major leagues, is Sunday, May 9. Boys and girls, ages 7–11, are eligible to participate in the minor league, as long as they will not have turned 12 by June 1. Fees are $25 per child and include a team t-shirt and cap.

  • Bulldog Sports Round-up

    After a win against Fairborn on Wednesday, April 28, the YSHS tennis team improved to 2–6 for the season. Against Fairborn, Addison Pettiford had a commanding 6–1,6–1 first singles victory against senior Chris McCauley. On court two, Isaac Haller lost to Senior Caleb Boles 5–7, 3–6. Carl Weiner also won in straight sets, eking out the first in a 7–6 tie break.

  • Dashing young man

    YSHS’s Mario Cosey, middle, placed sixth in the 100-meter dash at the Wayne Invitational for selected runners on Friday, May 21. The meet included 41 Div. I, II and III schools.

  • Track club begins

    The Miami Valley Track Club will start sign up and practices for the upcoming summer track and field season on Monday, May 10. Practices will be held at the high school track on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday evenings at 6 p.m. The club is a member organization of USA Track & Field and will be participating in the national Junior Olympic program.

  • Brickson Signs With Lindsey Wilson College

    Yellow Springs High School senior and track and field athlete Reini Brickson signed a college scholarship last Friday, April 23, to attend Lindsey Wilson College in Kentucky. Brickson, captain of this year’s team, will compete in both cross country and race walking at the collegiate level.

  • Board of Education Meeting Agenda

    Thursday, May 13

  • 2010 Gaunt Park Pool Passes and Schedule

    Pool Passes will be on sale at the Activity Coordinator’s Office on the first floor of the Bryan Center between 3 and 9 p.m. Mon.–Fri., and Saturdays between noon and 4 p.m. Passes will also be sold at the Gaunt Park Pool during hours of operation.

  • Village Commission Vacancies

    The Council of the Village of Yellow Springs invites citizens to apply for service on one of the Village’s Commissions, Committees or Boards.

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