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  • Bulldog Sports Round-up

    On Tuesday, May 4, the YSHS boys track team finished fifth out of ten teams at the Shawnee Invitational. Shawnee won the meet. Mario Cosey had first-place finishes in the 100 (11.25) and 200 (23.22) dashes. Will Rippley was second in the high jump and long jump. Logan Norris-Sayres was second in the 200 dash.

  • Rec baseball needs volunteers

    Volunteers are needed to help this summer with youth recreational baseball. There is a need for assistant coaches for both minor and major leagues, as well as field preparation for infield (which will not include mowing). Volunteers may help with either or both. Students grades 9–12 who volunteer will be eligible for community service credits.

  • Village Council Meeting Agenda

    Monday, May 17, 2010, 7:00 p.m., Council room, second floor, Bryan Community Center

  • Public Meetings

    week of May 13-20

  • BLOG – “Good Morning, Yellow Springs”

    We begin our show this morning at the farmers’ market. Which farmers’ market, you ask? So then I ask: Isn’t it amazing that in a town of our size, one has to ask, which farmers’ market? That’s right, folks, Yellow Springs is home to no less than three farmers’ markets.

  • Birding by ear, Glen tallies 80 species

    Though the whipping, chilly wind didn’t feel like early May, the birds of Glen Helen puffed out their down and went ahead and sang anyway for the fourth annual Make It Count for the Birds fundraiser bird count on Saturday.

  • Building expression

    On a very windy Saturday, the petaled wheels of Bruce Parker’s Whimsical Recycled Kinetic Art were spinning in ways other flowers just don’t do.

  • Girls win first at Bulldog Invitational

    Both the YSHS girls and boys track and field teams stormed the Bulldogs’ 10th annual Invitational meet on Friday, May 7, taking first place out of the 12 teams that competed.

  • Antioch University refocuses on adult education

    Under the leadership of Chancellor Toni Murdock, Antioch University spent the past year restructuring the administration of its satellite campuses and learning to function as "a university of one." (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    No longer limited to just the physical campuses, Antioch University is exploring how to increase capacity by making the strengths of each campus available to the university as a whole. Click on the headline to read the story.

  • Fluoridation forum coming

    At Village Council’s May 3 meeting, Council members agreed to this summer sponsor a public forum addressing whether to continue fluoridating Village water, in an attempt to present both sides of the issue and examine recent research. “Tonight we’re discussing the next steps rather than the content,” said Council President Judith Hempfling…

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