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Fourth graders perform on percussion instruments for a capacity crowd at the Mills Lawn School Senior Tea, April 29. (Photo by Matt Minde)

Seniors feted by juniors

The Mills Lawn School gym was filled to capacity Thursday afternoon, April 29, with grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends and more than a few parents for the annual Senior Tea. Each grade presented musical numbers, while 6th grader hosts in aprons made sure that everyone’s cup and plate was properly filled with treats contributed by parents and PTO. Brightly colored pottery made by the kids was there for the taking. After the performances, which were greeted with hardy applause and not a few moist eyes, guests were invited to visit the classrooms of their hosts, who enjoyed the many leftover spoils of the event. (Photos by Matt Minde)

MLS Senior Tea crowd

The capacity crowd at the Senior Tea.

A host at MLS Senior Tea

Rhona, a sixth grade host, carries a tray of courtesy cookies.

Second graders perform

Second graders perform "Be Kind To Your Web-footed Friends."

Isabel Ellis and Kaden Bryan

Kaden Bryan reads while Isabel Ellis looks on in Ms. Denman's first grade class after the tea.

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