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Third/fourth grade teacher Ben Trumbull was surprised to receive a giant box of classroom supplies and a new leather chair. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

Third/fourth grade teacher Ben Trumbull was surprised to receive a giant box of classroom supplies and a new leather chair. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

VIDEO – Mills Lawn teacher Ben Trumbull surprised with award

Mills Lawn third/fourth grade teacher Ben Trumbull received more than $1,000 worth of classroom supplies as part of “A Day Made Better,” a national program sponsored OfficeMax. Trumbull was one of 1,100 teachers around the country surprised with boxes of supplies on Tuesday, Oct. 5.

See the video of the surprise award ceremony below and the Oct. 14 issue of the News for more on the award.

(Video by Megan Bachman)


One Response to “VIDEO – Mills Lawn teacher Ben Trumbull surprised with award”

  1. Yvonne Wingard says:

    Congratulations! You deserve the recognition, Ben!!!

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