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The Ohio Department of Development offers four program to help low income Ohioans with their heating bills.

Assistance available on home heating bills

As the chill of January descends on the village, it’s a good time to consider that four Ohio Department of Development, or ODOD, programs are available to help low-income Ohioans with their heating bills and improve the energy efficiency of their homes.

The Home Energy Assistance Program, or HEAP, assists eligible low-income people (eligibility is income 200 percent of the federal poverty level) with their winter heating bill by crediting the accounts with a one-time payment for the current winter heating season.

HEAP Emergency Winter Crisis Program, or E-HEAP, which is administered by community action agencies, provides assistance once per heating season to eligible households that have been disconnected, threatened with disconnection, or have less than a one-day supply of bulk fuel.

The Percentage of Income Payment Plan, or PIPP, requires eligible customers to pay a portion of their household income each month to maintain utility service. This program becomes PIPP Plus on November 1, and program changes include revised monthly payments and transition assistance for those no longer eligible for PIPP.

The Home Weatherization Assistance Program, or HWAP, is a low-income residential energy efficiency program.

Applications for these programs are available through April 20, 2011, and they require proof of income. For additional program information, contact ODOD at 800-282-0880, or visit the Web site at


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