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Rahmanian an Antioch College academic leader

Longtime Antioch College faculty member and former Nonstop leader Hassan Rahmanian has been named the revived college’s new dean for curriculum, assessment, planning and interdisciplinary learning, according to a March 21 press release.

“As one of the College’s new academic leaders, Dr. Rahmanian will use his 25-year record of scholarship and leadership to help design curricular programs that deliver on our promise to prepare a new generation of Antiochians to make a positive contribution in our fast-changing world,” Antioch College President Mark Roosevelt stated in the release.

Rahmanian, who will report to the president, will have duties that include developing plans for faculty orientation and overseeing the Global Seminars, which is a new component of the college curriculum that provides for “community-wide examination of pressing world issues,” according to the release. In addition, Rahmanian will supervise financial aid and registration administration, refine and implement the institution’s assessment plan, contribute to searches for key positions at the college, and “ensure that faculty and staff help students learn deeply across traditional academic disciplines.”

Rahmanian will also teach political economy and public policy.

“It’s quite an exciting and at the same time, a challenging time for all of us,” Rahmanian said in an interview Monday, stating that the college is a “work in progress, incorporating the values of the past with a vision for a new Antioch.”

Being named to the new position is “a personally important continuation for me” as a longtime faculty member and former Nonstop leader, he said, stating that “it’s exciting to see some of the efforts we put in coming to fruition.”

Rahmanian also thanked the college’s current Morgan Fellows, who were largely responsible for developing its new curriculum, for creating “a good foundation in the curriculum. It makes my job easier.”

Rahmanian arrived at Antioch College in 1986 as an assistant professor of business and management, and earned tenure in 1991, at which time he became associate professor of business. His leadership at the college included terms on the Faculty Executive Committee, the Faculty Senate Steering Committee, and membership on the Administrative Council, or AdCil. He chaired the management program and coordinated the Department of Social and Global Studies for a four-year period beginning in 1998.

When the college closed in 2008, Rahmanian became a leader in the Nonstop movement, in which former college faculty continued to offer classes in village venues after the college was closed. From June 2009 to June 2010, he was senior director of institutional research and evaluation at Pacifica Graduate Institute in Carpinteria, Calif. Rahmanian returned to the area last fall. He starts his new job immediately.

Rahmanian earned his bachelors and masters degrees in economics at the University of Tehran, and a Ph.D in Public Policy Research and Analysis at the Univesity of Pittsburgh’s Graduate School of Public and International Affairs.


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