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  • Village worker raise recommended

    t the Aug. 1 regular Village Council meeting, Village Manager Mark Cundiff recommended that Village staff receive a 2 percent annual raise for all regular full and part-time employees, retroactive to July 3.

  • Aug. 18, 2011 Bulldog sports round-up

    August 18, 2011 Bulldog sports round-up

  • Celebrate Lynn Russell Hickerson

    A Yellow Springs life celebration for Lynn Russell Hickerson will be held at 1540 President Street, on Saturday, Sept. 3, 5:30–7:30 p.m.

  • Rehab wing opens at Friends Care

    Karl Zalar, director of Friends Care Community, stands in the center’s recently completed rehabilitation wing. An open house for the new wing will take place Saturday, Aug. 20, 2–5 p.m. at the FCC campus. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    When the new $2.25 million rehabilitation wing at Friends Care Community officially opens next week, the organization will have much to celebrate.

  • Doing theater for the love of it

    Miriam Eckenrode, Marcia Nowik and Howard Shook were three of the local actors who performed in The Cherry Orchard last spring at the Presbyterian Church. An enthusiastic reception for the play is one reason that theater-lovers in town, led by Kay Reimers, are gathering this Saturday, Aug. 13, to discuss re-activating Center Stage theater. The event takes place at 7 p.m. in the garden behind the Arts Council space at Oten Gallery. (Submitted photo by Virgil Hervey)

    When Center Stage closed its doors in 2003 after nearly 30 years of community theater performances, founder and director Jean Hooper predicted “someone else will step up…the theater will continue.

  • A local Scarlett pens heartfelt books

    Any period that’s rife with change is a good setting for a story, and the revolution-riddled 18th century is as fertile a ground as they come, according to local author Scarlett Rains.

  • Parties bond neighborhoods

    Kids and grown-ups alike appeared to enjoy themselves at one of last year’s 19 neighborhood block parties, sponsored by the Human Relations Commission. This year’s block parties take place the week-end of Aug. 19–21, with most on Sunday, Aug. 21, 5–8 p.m. Check the accompanying article for the list of the neighborhoods having parties, and if you wish to host one in your neighborhood, contact Joan Chappelle at 767-7056. (Submitted photo by Susan Gartner)

    Organizers of the annual neighborhood block parties want participants to have a good time. But beyond that, they aim to strengthen the ties between those who live close to each other in Yellow Springs.

  • First small step for senior apartments

    The most recent senior housing complex proposed for the Barr property downtown got its first nod from Village Planning Commission during a packed public hearing on Monday, Aug. 8.

  • Calling all Browns fans

    A Yellow Springs dawg pound is forming. Find out how to join.

  • VIDEO: Yellow Springs street music

    Ben Hemendinger and Birkásné Sej Edit trade accordion tunes on a Friday afternoon by the Emporium in Yellow Springs, OH.

    Passersby were treated to an accordion exchange Friday afternoon, Aug. 12, just next to the Emporium.

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