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  • BLOG – Where is everybody?

    Come out of hiding, writers and the people who love writers! Come out and support your fellow dreamers and schemers, your fellow poets and storytellers.

  • Where’s my Weekly Wildlife?

    Aaron Zaremsky in the Glen, where he found most of the subjects for his "Weekly Wildlife" posts. (Photo by Matt Minde)

    If you’ve been waiting, holding your breath for the next breathtaking “Weekly Wildlife” post, we’ve got some disappointing news for you.

  • Waxing sustainable for the sake of the bees

    Bees and bee keeping practices are the topic of several events in the village this week.

  • AACW’s Bluesfest to rock out the weekend

    AACW’s 14th annual Blues and Jazz Festival this weekend will feature blues, reggae, open mic poetry and gospel music. See the full schedule and a video from last year’s festival.

  • Board of Zoning Appeals


  • Public Meetings

    Village Of Yellow Springs Public Meetings

  • Public Hearing

    PUD-R Zoning

  • Request Bid

    2011 Sidewalk Repair and Replacement

  • Douglas Abner

    Douglas Monroe Abner died Aug. 21 in Yellow Springs from complications from a brain tumor he had been dealing with since 2009. He was 60.

  • MLS hits the ground running

    After the challenges of his first year at a new job, Principal Matt Housh has settled in and feels right at home at Mills Lawn School.

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