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  • SPORTS SUNDAY — Okia breaks McKinney pole vault record

    Oluka Okia made the McKinney school record books this week by pole vaulting 8’6” at the first home track and field meet of the year. See a gallery from the meet.

  • BLOG-Where the Townies Gather

    As we sat down to this year’s first meal at the Corner Cone, the look on my daughter’s face summed it all up perfectly: the sweet anticipation of a whole new season.

  • Yellow Springs Buffet to close

    The Yellow Springs Buffet and Diner will close at the end of the day today, April 13, due to disappointing business.

  • Auditions for ‘Our Town’ on Saturday

    A group of local theater lovers, the Center Stage Community Theater, is holding auditions on April 14 for a summer production of Thornton Wilder’s “Our Town.”

  • Temporary chief doesn’t take to retirement

    Former Beavercreek Police Chief Art Scott has come out of retirement (for the second time) to take the position of interim Yellow Springs police chief, following the retirement last week of John Grote. Scott anticipates that his interim position will last three to six months, and he has not yet decided whether to apply for the permanent position. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    Yellow Springs Interim Police Chief Arthur Scott tried retirement, but it didn’t take. So instead he decided to go to Afghanistan. When he returned to the United States, he was ready to dive into the work world again.

  • Council Meeting Agenda

    Village Council Meeting Agenda, Monday, April 16, 2012, 7 p.m.

  • Request Bid

    2012 Sidewalk Repair And Replacement

  • Council hears art policy concerns

    At the April 2 Village Council meeting, Council members heard from artists in the community regarding Council’s plan to develop a new policy on art in Village-owned public spaces.

  • Daniel Jones

    Daniel R. Jones of Yellow Springs died Wednesday, April 4. Born Aug. 1, 1950, he was 61 years old.

  • Leadership shift at Midwest

    The day-to-day operations of Antioch University Midwest are under a new leader, since President Michael Fishbein, while still maintaining his title, is no longer on the premises. Dr. Ellen Hall, who was recently named provost of Midwest, is now responsible for running the school.

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