A two-time Grammy Award nominee, pianist Terrence Wilson opens the 2012–13 Dayton Philharmonic season.
YS music lovers, hop on the bus
- Published: September 14, 2012
For over 20 years, the Yellow Springs Youth Orchestra Association has transported villagers by school bus to concerts of the Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra and now the Springfield Symphony. The program continues this year with a package that includes affordable ticket prices for either or both seasons, along with a bus ride to and from the events.
For the Dayton Philharmonic, which presents concerts Oct. 12, Nov. 9, Jan. 10, Feb. 1, March 15 and April 11, the adult package for all six shows is $85, plus a free ticket to the Dayton Ballet or Dayton Opera. Students can access the events for $6 per show, which should be paid in cash at each concert.
To see the Springfield Symphony on Sept. 29, Nov. 10, Feb. 25 and March 16, the ticket package is $76 per adult.
Tickets may be purchased by Sept. 28 at Town Drug, with checks payable to YSYOA. Enrollment is limited to 36 for each series.
YSYOA representative Jeff Huntington recently compiled and responded to some common concerns and FAQs about the Yellow Springs music bus program:
Why doesn’t every town do this? We’re special. You knew that.
I have a conflict on one of the DPO dates: Phone the box office at (888) 228-3630 (ahead of time). They may be able to switch you to another date at no charge.
I still have a ticket I can’t use. Best: Give it to a friend. The musicians hate to see empty seats. Next Best: Give it to Jeff, who will find a good home for it.
Can I get my money back? No. Neither orchestra gives refunds, ever.
Will I get a cardboard ticket at Town Drug? For the Springfield Symphony, yes. For the Dayton Philharmonic, we don’t get the tickets until they get the money, so Town Drug will just give you a receipt. We’ll give you the cardboard tickets at the bus.
Can I pay with a credit card? No. Sorry. There’s a cash machine across the street from Town Drug.
Do I have a choice of seats? For the Springfield Symphony, you can choose orchestra seats, which are close, or mezzanine seats, which give better visibility. (Subject to availability.) Both are excellent, and expensive at list price. For the Dayton Philharmonic, we get no choice–we’re all in the upper balcony.
I have my own subscription. Can I still ride the bus? Yes, if we have an empty seat.
I want the group tickets but I’ll drive. Fine. The group ticket price includes the bus.
Will the students sit with the group? Yes. Kids will not be left alone.
Can college students get these prices? Yes. Bring a student ID to show at the ticket office
I don’t live in town. No problem, if you can get to the parking lot.
I use a walker. We’ll take good care of you. Lots of seniors go to these concerts.
I got to the High School parking lot at 7:10 and the bus had already gone. Yup.
Will I have time to schmooze with the musicians or get a bite after the concert? No.
Isn’t this more than we paid last year? Yes. The ticket prices are the same, but the cost of the bus is up. Sorry.
Are these all the concerts by the two orchestras? No, there are others not on this series. Purchase them as single tickets. There won’t be a bus. Please don’t phone the box office about the Yellow Springs group tickets; they won’t have any information.
What’s on the program for these concerts? Pick up a season brochure at Town Drug.
I’m not as young as I used to be. Will I be able to hear? Generally, yes. Both halls are excellent acoustically. The DPO offers headsets for the hard of hearing.
What is the YSYOA? A 501(c)(3) nonprofit which subsidizes lessons for young musicians, and sometimes for old musicians, too.
Who is responsible for the bus? The Yellow Springs Schools (for which we are grateful). These will be the regular drivers. The usual insurance applies.
Can’t I hear these concerts on the radio? Yes, on WDPR (88.1) or WDPG (89.9), on Saturday mornings. To get the full effect, you really have to be there.
Who is making money on this? Nobody. In Yellow Springs, we’re all volunteers.
Does Chamber Music Yellow Springs sponsor this project? No. You can learn about the CMYS series at http://www.cmys.org.
Can I make a donation to the YSYOA to support all the good things they do? Bless you, yes! It’s tax deductible. Contact Susan Finster, Selwa Whitesell or Shirley Mullins.
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