YSKP instructor Jill Becker, left center, is offering her "fluid core" class again this fall.
YS Kids Playhouse starts fall classes this week
- Published: September 13, 2012
Yellow Springs Kids Playhouse is offering a new lineup of classes for both children and adults, starting this week and running through December. Courses for adults include dance and movement, and kids can choose from hip hop, acting, glee club, ballet, kindermusic and more.
Teachers this year include YSKP alumna Kayla Graham, whose father John Graham helped found the organization. Graham will lead the New Actors Club program for youth in grades 4 and up after school on Thursdays, which will culminate as part of the YSKP winter holiday show, The New Bremen Town Musicians. Urban artist Cameron Stuart, who dances with TWS Krew in Huber Heights, will lead the hip hop courses for kids interested in dance battles and an urban improvisational style known as krumping. Kindermusic classes are taught by Sally Dennis, a trained musician who did theater work in Boston and co-founded the Alarm Clock Theatre Company before moving to Yellow Springs.
Adults with YSKP can take ballroom dancing and a fluid core movement class this fall. On Monday evenings former Arthur Murray Studio artist Mario Kraszewski teaches the ballroom course, which includes basic elements of social swing, salsa, rumba, and merengue steps. Dance professor Jill Becker offers her fluid exercise course on Friday afternoons to help participants increase their freedom of motion and build core body strength.
YSKP began offering performing arts classes and workshops outside of its regular summer musical theater season in 2008. Classes are fee based. For descriptions and a schedule of classes, visit http://www.yskp.org/classes-programs/current-classes/class-descriptions/.

Jill Becker teaching creative movement for children ages 4–5.
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