Brian Maughan indulged at the Glen's last breakfast in 2011. (submitted photo by Brooke Bryan)
Help spread pancake cheer at the Glen
- Published: March 3, 2014
It’s back! For two years the annual Glen Helen Pancake Breakfast has been on hiatus. Many have expressed sadness, disapproval and even anger that this time-honored Yellow Springs tradition (“institution” even) was absent from the long list of community events that the village of Yellow Springs looks forward to, according to Kevin Lydy, GHA Pancake Breakfast Committee Chairman. The Glen Helen Association is proud to announce, though, that the 37th Annual Glen Helen Pancake Breakfast is back.
This year’s Pancake Breakfast will be held on Saturday, March 8, from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. The morning will be filled with good food, donated from local establishments such as Emporium Wines and Underdog Cafe, Young’s Jersey Dairy, Tom’s Market and Flying Mouse Farms, as well as live music. Additionally, members of the Glen Helen’s Outdoor Education Center and the Raptor Center will be on hand with activities for kids and guided hikes between Trailside Museum and the OEC. Participants are encouraged to park at the Corry Street lot and hike with a naturalist to the OEC at 9:30 and 10:30, starting at Trailside. Return walks will be led at 11 a.m. and 12:30 p.m.
Volunteers are still needed in the kitchen, on the serving line and various other roles to help ensure a successful Pancake Breakfast. Please contact either Kevin Lydy at kevin.lydy@wright.edu or Tina Spencer at tspencer@glenhelen.org if interested in helping out.

At the breakfast in 2011, Jenny Montgomery and her daughter Eva Schell listened to Bette Ross talk about the owls at the Raptor Center. (submitted photo by Brooke Bryan)
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